英語 | 要点和訳 |
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What's the smallest thing you can think of, smaller than anything you can see with a naked eye? / take a strand of human hair, for example, and imagine / a hundred thousand times / see it, or / visualize / in the mind's eye / realm of / and this is the world / we want to explore on the Forum today. | あなたが想像できる一番小さなものって何でしょう? 肉眼では見ることができないような。/ 髪の毛はどうでしょう? / 10 万回分割してみましょう。 / 心の中で想像してみることもできない。 |
We've come to S__ in Southern California / audience / increasingly important field of nano-technology / join / chemistry / nano / on the latest research, and I'll be asking / little / first, I'm pleased / here in the b__room at / university of California, S__ / the panelists / today's show / professor at / university of Toronto in Canada, S__ K__, / associate professor / B__, India, __ C__, the Director of the Center of Design and Geopolitics here at the University of California, S__ D__ / Benjamin __, and, senior editor at the Scientific American magazine, Josh F__. Let's give them a warm welcome. | ... |
Now the words "nano-technology", "nano-science", "nano-scale" ... become part of everyday speech, but, because / really mean / let's focus on / scale / to start with. Can each of you, here on the panel, / from your perspective / tell / beyond / think / just become too tiny to be able to deal with them? | ナノテクノロジーでは扱いきれない小ささというのは、どういう小ささですか?... |
__, you make tiny nano-machines out of synthetic DNAs / certain living cells / what do you think / at the limit of nano-technology because a f__ of DNA is actually two nanometers thick / any __ less / start / be out of the realm of nano-technology / A__ scale? What does that mean? / | DNA / 厚みは 2 ナノメートルなのです。 |
That's a tenth / level of atoms / than / nano-scale / nanometer / what about you? / nano-enhanced electronic chips can test / pathogens / unprecedented speed. What do you think about this question of scale? / I think it's true / too small for / work / only have so many tools that allow us to visualize / what / resolve / we are looking at, then there's nothing to see. / So, that means it's limited by the tools you have to look at them? / In part, yeah. / So, it could change? / could change, absolutely. / journalist / following this field for many years ... do you think / moving scale / nano scale | ... |
I think it is moving scale / agree / it really depends on the tools that are available to look at ... what you want to move around on this very small scale. R__ F__, the Nobel-Prize-winning physicist, in 1959 / kind of kicked off the idea / nano-technoloy / saying "There's plenty of room at the bottom / that was 40 years ... 35 years before anybody invented anything ... any microscope that could move these atoms around, and, so, you know, we're continually thinking very far ahead of the tools that we have available / tools eventually catch up, so, I wouldn't be surprised if we / A__ microscope. | やがてオングストロームレベルの顕微鏡が発明されても驚くにはあたらない。 |
OK. ... Benjamin, / you are in the business of thinking / not as a scientist / more from the point of view / being a designer / artist / think / as a designer, I work / science / others have accomplished / working with / the way I think about scale / work / is less about exactly what / what's going on / at the nano scale / how / might / what's going on / scale of / human body / scale / scale of __ ecology / how / we can think about / nano-engineering at __ infrastructural scale. So, for me, / has more to do with / rather than how small it can go / thinking / very very big / we'll hear more about / in a minute. But let's bring / with us in S__ D__ / I wonder / those / how many / nano-technology or in nano-science | だから、私にとっては、どこまで小さくできるかより、どれだけの大きさまで影響するのかということに ... |
a forest of hands / lot / we / your views / this / what / think / boundaries / lower end / nano-technology stops? ... Yes? / I'm a professor / I think there are a lot of / here / start / chemistry / a lot of tools / small molecule / chemists / nano-scale materials are huge, and __able precisely because of that. So, the biggest problems / approach microns. / OK. Another contribution / how / relate to your research? ... Yes? / my name is / professor of / university / to broaden the topic / also for / I'd like to remind everyone that / nano-technology has been around for a long time. M__ artisans used nano-technology for s__ glass windows. So, it's always been there. We have just recently / lot of these things and renamed it nano-technology, but it's / around for a long time. It's in the natural world. We __ just started to / as / rename / repackage it to a certain extent / understand better, presumably? / absolutely. The m__ artisans didn't understand how / s__ glass windows. They just knew / understand the atomic or the molecular rational behind what they were doing. And, so, I agree with / that has changed / we now apprciate / cause and effect, but, nano-technology per se has been persist_nt for a long long time and impacting everyday lives for a long time. | ... |
Thank you. That brings / ask you, Josh, which is / very / nano-level / our / just for people who are just trying to imagine exactly what it is / can you sketch out the range of tools and products / that we are now beginning to understand, and manipulate, and benefit from. We / heard / what about / happening now ... | ... |
Sure. There is / non-profit / in Washington that keeps track of, uh, consumer products / to be nano-scale, nano-technology / about 1600 of them ... uh ... most of them / because / consumer products / advertising claims / most of them / unverified, but / ones / verified / paints and coatings ... so, carbon nano-tubes / that make up / racing bicycle frames / anti- / boats / golf balls that fly longer when you hit them, which, I know, / something that / everybody / happy / tennis rackets / hit / ball / straighter / sunscreen ... uh, so, I think that that's the consumer products around / and then what is probably more interesting are the stuff that, uh, the researchers here on stage are gonna talk about, / which is / research / which are things like building diagnostic devices that are just a few nanometers big / research / things / like / devices / that / few / big / sense / changes / signifies / health / disease / can / form / paint on the walls / detect, uh, fire / those are things / aren't / prime time / I think / that is the real use in future of nano-technology / where people would like to see it go / ... | ... |
let's more about that / to your research / genetic biology / in medicine / building blocks DNA / in B__ in India / you knit them together / what amounts to a synthetic strand of DNA, I suppose / tiny / dispatch into the __ __ __ crannies of cells / let's / scale / a strand of / how / it's two nanometers thick / how do you actually see / level ... | ... |
special microscopes / these are called / atomic force microscopes, which detect the object / by feeling it / using / wavelengths of light / than / which / cannot be seen, so they have to be visualized by some / feeling them / these atomically-thin / atomically-thick needles. That's one way. The other way is to use / ... | 原子間力顕微鏡 / 何しろ、光の波長より小さいので ... |
is to us DNAs / like wool and knit it / various / like a sweater / or a sock / using the same piece / difference / connections / each other / same way / using DNA, you can change the connection points by joining / domains / define the domain / that you have on this f__s / in this way / adding / in the same / solution / heated and cooled in a specific way, you can get / fold / knit / itself / into / body of a machine / then get to / sort of / sail into / living cell / specific environment / inside / living organism / report to us / the concentration of / chemical / in that place to tell / the health and d__ state / of that cell ... | ... |
telling us about this / our very first attempt / very fundamental / most fundamental form of / can / is / actually / acidity level of / environment / made / pH sensor / this / small / device / very / very defined / living cell / report to us / what the pH / acidity level is in that environment. So, / important / it's a certain / compartment / inside of a cell / exactly / supposed to be, / and I think / about / different types / disorders that are all related to / altered pH / environment / now you have the bases to be able to pick up these / possibly earlier rather than later. | ... |
Benjamin, / how the nano world can / sort of / it's tremendous. you know, / I think / that / my work / interested in, is the relationship / other technologies that may operate / similar scale or / we can talk about / devices / nano-scale, but, like any / to other technologies. You know, one of my design interests / have / relationship / things / in particular the way which nano-technology can function as sensors of events / happening in the environment / perhaps on a body or in a body / that sensing becomes information / made part of a __er or larger / computing / which would link nano-technology / in general / one hand, we see a lot of interest / what's / you could measure / athletic performance of a ... of one person / really interesting / just / whole population of people, the kind of / we can imagine / we can make that are sensing something / from one body / affecting / back as well ... | ... |
DNA level, right? And you are talking about something else / got involved in a particular project / nano-skin / about / all the / based on / as well, and, / it's sort of starting / scientific question / more with / question / that is / cinema and photography / figure out how / transform / way / with audio technologies / transform / how we hear, but / skin / and the ways / which / possible / skin senses the world around it / larger area / investigation / came up with __ inks / particular matter of / commonly used / device / began / really / really interesting temporary tatoos / sort of / at the level of the skin / but we are / also / paint / just / larger scale / and, so, if you use / this / as / building / environment, then the environment itself can be a sensor / sensation / perhaps / really creepy / whole building / out there / sensors, which could / go past / talking about / It is, yeah. And I think / quite sure / good thing or bad thing / might be onto something / absolutely / both positive and negative use cases / for sure / interesting / because, um, / sensors / you can see how these sorts of little knitted / DNA / useful / what about the dangers? What about / potential health issues / artificial / gaining information / what are they / doing / example / be inserted into / human body / how do you know / what / accumulates? / that's a very interesting question, OK? And I / place / perspective / any new / out as a drug / also / own side effect / mean it's bad. But I think / important / proceed / cautious optimism / dealing / that can _voke / response / alergic reaction, so to speak, / body / also / side effects / other / as / DNA / especially when you / triggering / immune system / bad thing if you can learn how to control that immune response. So, you could use this / for / what / many / are doing / they are tuning / immune / you can get cells to kill themselves in a programmed way. So, you might even be able to harness / same / deliver / drug / I'm not saying / one / every single question / could be a very powerful answer / key word / there / is "harness" / you can / keep / because there / real worries / American Center / example / am I right in this, Josh? ... / issued warnings / need / workers from inhai__ling carbon nano-tubes / tiny / million miles away / yes, that's true / I think / that warning is simply the product of scientific investigations into any kind of particle that can cause cancer / here / California / proposition / if everybody here looks / hotel room / get a list of everything / hotel room / State of California believes might cause / cancer / cause / but / does / it does, and, I think ... I think / really interesting question about the hazzards of nano-technology is / the / what / does / that / what / that it couls cause / and it seems to me that the thing / by / popular press and also by / science fiction writers / is / semi-auto__mous nature of nano-technological devices or treatments that / harness / you can get hold of / if / just / nudge the / hold a bit / macro scale / refridgerator / misbehaving, I can throw it out / in my blood / what / into something else / I know / I'm sounding like a science-fiction alarmist, but I think / that is something / lot of people / about / these auto__ous particles / talk about that | 冷蔵庫が壊れたんなら廃棄すればいい ... |
yesterday's science fiction is tomorrow's reality / and / talking about / might possibly integrate / just want to say that / should / these / as / go / magnetic resonance imaging / injected with / out of the system / something / forever and ever. And / property of / bio-molecules, and biological technologies / based / they can be degraded by the system / stick in the right / for that degradation / I think / in a way that's designed / studied / you can exploit specific degradation mechanisms, or disposal mechanisms of the body / could be addressed ... | ... |
tear DNA apart, and / natural, sort of, failsafe / things / can give rise / immune response / can control both of them / then / very powerful way / interrogate living systems / professor / put / into / context / one / talking about / DNA self-assembling / program / something else is that / we should recognize that many biological processes that are just in nature すでに自然界にあるものなのです。/ exactly / we have types of / because you have / self / generative / brain, so, a lot / talking / hopefully / good / are already present in nature, and, so, I think / important / not necessarily man-made / it's ad_pting something / really quite natural / kind / going on all the time | ... |
make / diagnostic testing / single drop of blood or urin / much / need / lab / at the heart of this / another metal, p__ / tell / how this chip works / Sure. So, / problem / has / at the nano-scale / really a matter of / taking / patient / could / a few molecules / that sample / tell / infectious d__se / some / develop new ways to find / my lab / approach / nano-materials / materials / very / scales / leverage the fact that / have / small / looking for / are very small / materials / so / very complicated sample / in that sample. So, that involves / really / sensitivity / developing methods / much faster, so / really / timescale of minutes rather than days or weeks, and, / important / patient / presenting / really wanna be able to make a call / right / use the right drug to treat it / treatment isn't helpful / so / part / really / diagnostic devices / feedback that information to physicians very quickly / what / you are making / quickly / Sure. So, we take things like / silicon / functionalize / that are able to specifically recognize / in a sample / able to bring / to the surface of / chip / electrical signals to / tell the user / molecule / it's a matter of / very / signals / information about / present / nano-particles / gold and p__? / really as / material to support the recognition / fact that they / very small / be / much more effective in finding the molecules / thing / use instead / detection / able to see those / small number of molecules / whereas / using / quite / difficult / smart / different strains of bacteria including / anti-biotics / out there / people have collected / you are detecting / one type of / anotehr / resist_nce / already out there. / So, / quite / practical / waiting for / rather than a couple of days / it could be critical / it could be absolutely critical / interesting thing is that / very / develop / roll out / be used / developing countries / yeah / don't have to be expensive / using nano-particles of gold / that / very very small amount of gold / using / bulk / cost / necessarily / real link / nano-scale / What / mean / especially / really happy / developing / this discussion, because / one thing we have to remember / nano-technology is not just for / highly-developed nations / face / disease and diagnostics / can actually / positive / developing / where most of the time / many people / il__iterate / challenge when they go to a doctor, is actually / very fast / because that guy / back / round of, you know, / what do I have? / very small window of time / figure / what / has / prescribe / anti-biotic / a lot of anti-biotic resist_nce / resist__ce / developing / courses or taken __ wrong / because / prescribe on the bas__ of some h__ information / huge / have a huge impact / excited / work / what do you think, Josh / reality / this / sorts of things ... | 簡単に言えば、藁山の中から針を探すようなものなのです。 |
I think that everything / just / true / huge prosects and possibilities here / I think / though / need / watch out for is / cost of fabrication and putting this kind of technologies together / because it isn't / easily / term / this is what I constantly read / scientific journals / that / well / this works because / it took a month / in my lab / put / and / lot of / free labor to do that / but in order to / make / 5000 / cost / fabrication / how much / cost / your kinds of devices / roll out / price / we / my lab / few / years / we originally developed / single digit numbers of dollars / mass-scale manufacturing / critical / lab / have to be / translated / how you can keep the cost down. / focused / aren't / when / out there / these sorts of new technologies / look / new / experimental / ebola / might / way forward. / some / being / time scale / times faster / than / usual processes / sped / seen / fast-track / as a result / sometimes / right now can / propell / quite a lot of people / have the feeling / bio / probably / medical treatment more personalized / targetted to the genetic character of individuals / only available / people / able / because / complete opposite ... | ... |
Yes. It's complicated / some / airport, for example / make / get / whether or not / same time / you know / part of the reason / because / widespread distrust of the government / community / in particular / in other words, / itself / solve any of these problems / not / whether / bad / determined by the technology itself / cultural / in which / technology is used / I think / talking / public perception / think / undue fear about / be bad / everything / right / that / maybe / promises / then / nano / blood / and so forth / fear / all goes wrong / but, to your point / personalized / inverse / raising before / privacy / and sensing / how it / call / bio-politics, the governance of biologies / some / political subject. It may well be / relatively disadvantaged / those / unable to pay for / privacy / ones / be / most / upon / othe way around / interesting / the audience / use of nano-technology / what / this gentleman in black / england / these technologies / really exciting / developments recently / portable / disease / real / very exciting possibilities / benefit / have / kind / we have in the West / be / quite widespread / views / MIT. ... I think / amazing / information / nano-technology, where the cost of computing / down / cost / scale / interface / between the two, is an opportunity / most / cell / interface / computer / personal monitor or detector, and you / interfaces / I think / amazing / clear / this / I don't mean / as a prediction / rather / totally agree / potential for / tremendous / something we need / but / outcomes / aren't gonna happen / by / themselves / build / infrastructures that / support / true / any technology / Let's just focus / something / which is / not / nano / also behavior / small / same way / normal scale / josh / some ... | ... |
can / happy / more / but / start / by / this / one / area / does / matter / because / nano / one / meter / things / when / scale / happen / meter / another / think / know / hold / and / if / whack / something / small / electron / photon / probably / least / detect / carve / into / billion / what's / happen / created / greater / from / each / pieces / terms / heat / light / electricity / into / billion / close / might / effect / piece / and / chain / ripples / entire / used / and / that's / things / behave / macro / but / guys / much ... | ... |
great / easy / gold / not / colored / able / eye / actually / great / because / having / property / do / fact / demensions / dimensions / wavelengths / differently / materials ... | ... |
favorite / find / sort / if / take / deposited / marble / made / into / take / one / something / teaspoonful / surface / football / area / football / volume / unusual / sort / talking / catalysis / know / bio / nano / when / have / kind / unusual / reactance / one / just / still / about / all / quite / so / learn / here / week / see / every / conference / don't / have / thank / audience / benjamin / goodbye / from / all / of / us / here ... | ... |
if / why / such / melvin / history / find / visit / /podcasts ... | ... |
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(Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/