英語 | 要点和訳 |
(0:22:11) It's been something of an O__ / of speculation, new researchers / Homer's epic poems were written. / even / the origins of / were already __ __ matter of mystery than history. / estimate / when Homer / pen / papyrus / varying by several centuries. Now scientists / language within the poems / to narrow down those dates. On the line / team leader / evolutionary / too much of a gap between us, so I'll give it a go / evolutionary biologist / works of Homer | |
hello, Quentin. I think / attract__ / to Homer was that, first of all, I mean, / most important and oldest works / western / they influenced nearly all of our literature for the last / three thousand years. | |
But then the question / get interested in this is that we study language as an inherited system of information in much the same way that we can study genes as an inherited system of information. | 遺伝子と同じく、言語もまた、受継される情報システムである。 |
And one of the things / over the last few years / learn it from our parents / in a way / that retain the sort of fidelity / rather astonishing / reproduce / language of our parents / in / great deal of fidellity / most of us reproduce the genes / great deal of fidelity. | 言語が親から子に受け継がれるときの再現性は驚くほど高い。 |
So, that / use language to study questions about human history just as / might use genes / human history | だから、遺伝子と同様、言語もまた、人間の歴史を解明する手がかりとして使える。 |
/ normally / criticism / someone / dated, but you use that datedness to try and narrow down / turn of phrase might have been appropriate / | 「古めかしさ」を手がかりに年代を特定するのですね? |
That's exactly right. / one of the wonderful things about Homer is that he / written / many many people / ancient Greece / all those various copies of Homer / historian / have been able to put together a sort of consensus view of the I__ and O__ / one / hope / sort of original version / and / able to study / vocabulary items / words that Homer used / compare them to modern Greek. And then we have some information / different words in __ common vocabulary are replaced over time. So, for example, for the word "stone" you and / Homer would have used / recognize that word / but modern Greek / Homer would have referred to it as / "bird" as "o__" / recognize / of course, but modern Greek / "bird" is __ / recognize / poultry. So, we see that / over time by new words, and we have information / other / different words get replaced through time. / But that / seem / crude measure / know / modern / ancient Greek / So, / just simply / a__ / isn't it enough / differential rates / different words / match them all up? / we have a list of about 200 common vocabulary words / should / all human cultures because / simple words like names for body parts / names for colors / relationship words like "mother" and "father" or pronouns and so on / we __ studied those words / we find / variation / get replaced over time. Some words / very very slowly / number words, and other words like "stone" and "bird" / rather / we can compare all those words / between Homer and modern / we can see which ones have been replaced and which ones haven't / to reveal us / got / I wonder if any of us / other questions about / he was even / genuine historical figure rather than a fiction himself who was given the title of having been the source of all these stories / that evolved / __al tradition / cults of people who say that Homer didn't exist / I mean / answer that question / left on his various pieces of p__ / what we can say / very consistent story in the I__ / linguistically consistent story / looks like / probably produced by one person. / OK. What date have you come up with? / making / come up with the date 762 b.c. / that is / 8 century b.c., or 2,800 years ago. And what excited us about this is ... / variation / or / plus or minus X amount time? / I mean / our work / in a sort of ... in a sort of / a__lly and historically ignorant way. We have a mathematical model / all / words / speak / any / merely comes up / prediction / itspreferred prediction / preferred / confidence / as long ago as / centuries / come forward in time about / OK, which, of course / some / nobody / 1100 / you've not necessarily __ __ / particularly / thank you. We are out of time / stay / talking like children, rest / ill spoken of / as / if / anything else on today's program / material.world / @bbc.co.uk. | |
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