Rhod Gibert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト


Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Walesラジオ・ウェールズがお送りする、ロッド・ギルバートのトーク・ショー。
If you are listening to this, you are listening to Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits, some of the best bits of my Saturday morning radio show, live on BBC Radio Wales. This week, I'm in a studio in Swanzy with Mr. Chris Corcoran.今日の相手はクリス・コーコラン。
"One in Five Men Dyed Their Hair" says / light-hearted / technically Rhod's Coffee Morning / Swanzy, not my house in London / obvious / surprised by that fact / blow your mind? / Nuh. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. / poll / Do you dye your hair? / No. / out / big experiment / bold head / Terry, 70 years old / production person down here in Swanzy / cup of coffee / studio / switches / off again. Uh, / years old / ice-skating for the first time / Christmas / Did he? / Yeah. / he said / he was bragging a bit, if I'm honest. / he said / easy, first time in his life / 70 years old / he said / grew up on roller-skates. / Really? / Yeah. / all the time / don't ask / any more about that. / lost it / excuse me, I've still got __ chest infection / market / one in five British men are changing their hair color. / Yeah, but, uh, I think that's obvious / obvious? / because __ __ everyone / gray / So, statistically, that sort of fact __ come out. / How could ... / that suggests / old people / their hair / that is almost / men / in / like 75, are going down and getting hair / sitting over the / little rubber gloves / I can't see it, men, old men dying their hair / but there's no more of them than / before / Uh, but there is / getting older / vitamins and stuff / life style / five a day / and exercising / you know / Yeah. / What? / So, therefore we live longer, so, therefore, / more old people / but you are talking about yonger men who / going grey early / no more of them / older people / old dyed __, which I just can't see ... I can't imagine my grandad ... well, his ... God rest his soul ... I can't imagine him ... / did he / cut / I can't ... I can't imagine old / I see your point. There's / must / more acceptable for men to dye / hair / men are grooming. Men are grooming. / Would you dye your hair? / No. / Ever? / No. dye ... uh ... oh, god, __ __, __ a moral maze. / I think / you look all right / got __ __ f__cs now / you look good. / we live in ... we do live in a kind of sexiest society. Men, sort of, uh, you know, allowed to grow old gracefully / women have all / pressure on them, don't / would you dye your hair / no. I / just / go grey gracefully, whereas someone ... / Feature #2, ladies and gentlemen, ... actually / feature #1 yet / too depressing / production team / feature 1 / how / Feature 2 is, Would you dye your hair?5人に1人が髪を染めている ... 驚かないのかよ? / ちっとも。 / 統計をとってみようじゃないか / いいよ / おまえは染めるか? / いいや。おまえは? / いいや。/ ... / 老人は染めるだろ。白髪隠しに。/ 想像できないよ。70 代の爺さんが、サロンかどっか行って ... おまえは年取ったら染めるか? / いや。おれは威厳をもってグレーの髪を受け入れる。/ コーナーその2... って、実はコーナーその1がまだできていない。しかしこれをコーナーその1と呼ぶのは悲しすぎる。/ コーナーその2:あなたは髪を染めるか?
Uh ... apparently, / nothing to do with grey hair / I've read the story / said / most likely to use color ones / fashion / hey / I'm 45, I don't know anything / young men are doing / out there / listening / I mean, this is Radio Wales / unlikely ... / if there are / let / when we / young men. ... What am I talking about? What am I talking about? I've lost the plot. / Why? Did you dye your hair? / Yes. Loads of times. Streaks. Streaks / 80's / Duran Duran ... I / did / streaks / had streaks / except / He had a perm. A perm, ladies and gentlemen, in 1980 / look __ / all my mates / all of them / M__ had a perm / me / streaks / how do you mean? / What do you mean how do we mean ? / on / in my hair / Yes, I know, / where on your hair / strands through / streaks / highlights / highlights / imagined / sort of / skunk hair-do / streaks in 80's / plus I also ... / highlight / from / also dyed my hair. It was pink. I didn't realize / was pink / I didn't realize / remember / asking a teacher. / Yeah? / what / put / pinky color. Oh dear / how old were you? / I don't know. / you don't know / embarrassingly old. / Why did you go for pink? / I don't know / years ago / know / something / did it / you didn't / accidentally do it / everybody was doing it / fair enough answer. / he had streaks / full-ginger. Full / ginger / put / what color of streaks? / I __ see / looked exactly like a ... / tiger / just / did he have __ __ / leave it. I'm gone. Uh ... __ __ so, young people, / highlights / what / assuming grey / means color. / older / find a picture of me / streaks / early / put it online / tops / called streaks in C__.この記事は白髪のことを言ってるんじゃないよ。ファッションだよ。/ 若い人に尋ねるが ... とはいえ、これはラジオ・ウェールズだから若い人は聴いてないだろうが ... / おれも染めてたよ。そういえば。 / 「ハイライト」だろ? / 80 年代は「ストリーク」って言ってたんだよ。/ いくつだったの? / 忘れた。恥ずかしいほど高年齢だったのは確かだ。/ 何色? / ピンク / なんでまた?
Hey, I've got a non-story of the week, ladies and gentlemen. Non-story of the week / feature / have you got / still looking to beat the reigning champion / still ... is still / kept / South Wales Evening Post, Monday, October the 7th, 2013. This is still the reigning champion, and I'm keeping it ... I'm keeping it / feel free to send in your non story of the __ to us / email / bbc.co.uk, but this is still the reigning champion / only, uh, only get in touch / beat this.: "__ Town Council Considers Color Photocopier" ... Swanzy town council considering getting a color photocopier / council / Anthony D__ / current machine / does not / he added / quoting / good sense to have a new machine / may wish / consider / color photocopier." That was / story / considers color photocopier." / can you beat / Korky? / bar's pretty high. / bar / that's where I've kept it / week-by-week basis. What / I've got one this week / can compete / this week / many / choose / non-story of the decade until it __ beaten / headline / yeah / currency / to launch soon / a new bit coin / like / West is set to be launched, and has been dubbed "__ West". / Right. / so far ..." / big news / yeah / not involved / yet come / I don't understand bit coin. We'll come back __ __ in a minute. Here's my non-story / week / competition. Well, / bothered with the headline / my non-story of the week is that C__ is thin again after having babies" What do you think? / Wow. / C__ gets back in shape afer 12 weeks. / Yeah. / That's it. There's the picture / pregnant / which / tummy sticking / no baby in it / that one / yeah / extraordinary transformation. Who'd've thought that, after you've had a baby / thin / next picture is, now, / transformation. C__, thin again / pretty amazing / ladies, no pressure, but C__ can do it / usually / pregnant / you eventually get / quite a story / quite a story / two colums / justified / What a difference three months make__ / a baby came out of her. __'s bound to / a bit of a difference / it / imagine / what / complete transformation / hellish皆さん、「だから何?」コーナーの時間です。今のところチャンピオンは、「市役所はカラーコピー機の導入を検討している」。これに勝る「だから何?」話があったらどんどん送ってくれ。それ以外は何も送るな。/ 今週の候補:「カプリースは出産後スリムになった」/ すごいニュースだ。出産後に体が細くなるだなんて、誰が想像したろう?/ 女性の皆さん、無理にとは言いません。でもカプリースにできたんです。あなたにできないことはない。
second half / one of our famous / famous partially-selected / second / for short, uh, HELP, as Tom W__ / Heavily-Edited Listener Playlist. Uh ... so, today's / somebody called P__ __ / in M__ has chosen / second-half playlist / basically / no, rubbish / no, swearing. / no, too slow, too boring, blah blah, ... and then we've replaced most of them, and / remain. That is the Heavily Edited Lister Playlist. Get / coming in / like to choose / next week's / The international appeal for what is bespoke / BBC Wales / is incredible, isn't it? / biz__. / Korky / hello / this is P__ Y__, wriging from M__. I love / every week / HELP - Heavily Edited / could you dedicate it / my friends / listening in Brazil and Italy, respectively." / Wow / Eurovision contest or something / show is / international youth club / going for gold / quiz show / Henry C__'s left off. / Great show. / great show, but / weird / do they really exist? / sure / conversation / before / where ... where / Denmark, or whatever the name is / from / come across Henry C__ / lunch time quiz show on whatever it was / good point / they must / I always thought that they were either holograms or __ __ characters played by ... played by __ actors / stereotypes / let's imagine the Belgian / and draw a picture / quickly / Belgian bloke / you draw / exactly the same / fat, m__, chips __ m__ / That's what I did / there we are. Perfect / like / little m__ / German bloke / eating a, ... eating a b__ __, / Dutch person in / Dutch hat / should be a girl / yellow __ hair / side / this show is picking up from there, from __ __ left off / second half / playlist / friends / M__ and Silvia / Italy / to be honest with you / heavily suspect / none of / Welsh people are listening / show / happening. ... Visitors / can now use a smartphone app ... / No. / you know / app is, don't you? / half an apple. / Yeah / visitors / smarphone / yeah / place names / Yeah, / such as __ / yeah / learn the pronunciation / sure / is right / sounds pretty close to me / millions miles off, but / slightly / Welsh isn't tremendous / __ __ __ once / of it / Silvia in Brazil / I'm sure they / complain / why not? Encouraging tourism. Anybody / be put off, you know / in a ridiculous way / our language / can / put off / it's like / might do / like / Russia / Hey, everyone, don't worry. Come over. it's easy / listen to Korky say __ __ __ __ / perfect / Russia / not / not geared / tourism / really / Russia / everything / fair / "When in Rome ..." / I didn't have a clue / matching / shapes / speak Russian? / No. / tuk, tuk, tuk ... / knew that / I did / wanted to go tshk, tshk tshk ... / time / do you speak Russian / wait / my face / do languages / d__ d__, t__. / that's very good. / Yeah. / got three guesses / is / come / most / in the world / Votka? / good guesses, good guesses / one thing / else / all about / colorful buildings / communism / comrade / music / teach / during this, uh, track.ラジオ・ウェールズの名は世界に鳴り響いてるな。/ 変な話だ。 / こいつらは実在しないよ。架空の奴らだ。このメールはウェールズのリスナーからだ。実はウェールズ人もこの番組を聴いてるんだよ。ただ、それを認めたくないから、架空のキャラクターをでっちあげてるんだ。/ スマホの app ... app って何か、知ってるよな? / ああ。apple の半分だ。/ 地名などを読み上げてくれるアプリケーションが登場。これでウェールズ観光も安心。/ 毛むくじゃらの帽子
"Rhod and door attendant", says Tom. / 20 years / from / hello, Tom / revising for uni exams / Good lad. / Well done. / Good lad. / despite / care-free student / dyed my hair / see / this is the thing / back / one / five / ladies and gentlemen / grey thing / more about fashion / 80's we didn't dye our hair, and I thought / hang on a minute, / all / dyed / probably / probably / non-story / about / everyone I knew / is weird / he really is weird. ... Like, / he really is weird ... like, / any / banging on about / every single of mine did. / Yeah? / apart from / he had a perm / a perm / Ian M__, who is now bold, / yeah / even if he wanted to / but / perm / who / what man / I think Ian M__ may be the only person I've ever heard of at 14-15 years old / to get a perm / sometimes / how old / exactly / did it suit him? / No. / Huh. / picture if you want / the funniest thing I'd ever seen / totally normal teenager / seconds / look / as well. / Yeah, but / curly perm / perm / Mind you, / women / fairness / you're quite right / massive. The big hair / big, wavy / nobody / school / had a perm / really curly / was only natural / tell you / happened / there you go / weird / give boys perms / you were lucky __ get away with it / but / following / fashion / Duran Duran / just / new fashion / we were following the ... following the big star / really / Duran Duran / yes / did / highlights / pinky b__ / remember it? / Yeah. / I can remember / used it / came / teacher / what / by the way / just / double-check / "Pink." "Oh."
more in on the ... uh ... non-story of the week / from time to time / council / to be / our one of the decade / new entries / this week. Uh ... one of / this one back / holding / back / competitor / one for you, Rhod / picture of / you know / newsagents / headline / big / Newport man / huge tomato / actually on the board / good. / It's good, but / like / as / photocopier / not that / it is genuinely news. It's not a non-story / grow a massive tomato / other one / maybe / a photocopier / I think / our heads / is that one of / technically / think / it is news / huge tomato / people / who / pretty big story. So, it genuinely / thing / that's gonna interest someone / what about / think / probably more people / veg / But tomato is a fruit / fruit and veg, people / than photocopiers / don't you think? Come on. / I don't know / no / apart from / sell / photocopiers / big debate / is ... / are / do / lean towards / grocery / office stationary/machinery? Let us know. / this is rubbish / fruit / typewriters for years / I'm not interested / never read it. Rubbish. / Newport / tomato / receives five identical birthday cards. / Huh. / good story / tweeted the show @ / surely / lady / Brian / delighted to receive the card / from / including one from his wife, I__, / what are the odds / head / identical / five / wow / odds / news / kind / front / eight / to choose from / high / say / low / likely / friends / say / likely / five numbers / is it? / anyway, happy birthday. __ __ lovely story / like / non-story / quite / all / think / all-right story / here's one / this one, I think, rivals ... rivals our best / big / second / huge / first / council considers color photocopier / Korky / town / come up again / released this ground-breaer ... / wow / tables / council / wait / town / decided to stack / tables differently to see / prevent / being damaged. / No. / boom / that is a cracker / hang on, hang on ... hang on / new / because / something about / not very / but there is action / differently / yeah / decision / #2 / different ways of stacking / and photocopiers__ / 1 / no, don't. Wait. / I don't know / hang / remember / 2 / more / more than / bit coin / 2 / photocopier / consideration / still at #1.違う 5 人の人から、デザインが全く同じの 5 枚のバースデーカードをもらった。こんな偶然ってある? / 普通のいい話だ。「だから何なの?」バナシとはいえない。
point / we are not sure / you might well be / pulling / eyes / Ian in Belfast says, "hi / challenges / answer is, Ian, yes we are. / Bring it on / moment / photocopier / stack / tables / different way from now on / 3 / "Newport Man Grows Huge Tomato." / and / 4 is the ... bit coin / Korky discovered / West / nothing / Belfast / one / a few months ago / feel / even more insgnificant / headline: "Man Nearly / But Doesn't / so far, it looks like a contender / there / close call / this week / FC / Stephen / normal day / enjoying / newspaper / cafe / __, who is / popular / got up and paid before leaving the establishment. ... However, / one / had with him when he entered the cafe was no longer in his posession / aid / very well / manager / football club / speaking to the / local football team / D__ United fans / I think / Apologies. / expected / rival / at this point in time / story / no idea / brilliantly / pretty / Yeah. ... Well, except / Man Nearly / doesn't / at the moment, we / play / opposition fans / interf__ed / anything / Jumper crime / came / Good thinking / Stephen / presented him / in fact / seat / stephen / no fans / abduction whatsoever / little note / safe / rest of the season / great / top five at the moment / pretty good / photocopier / considering a new color photocopier / stacking chairs and tables / I think /「男性がセーターをなくすところだったが、なくさずに済んだ」/ なんと、セーターが ... なくなっていた。カフェに入ったときは、確かに持っていたのである。ただちに探し始めた。敵チームのサポーターの仕業かとも考えられた。セーター泥棒 ... カフェに戻ってくると、マスターが ... / おもしろいぞ。ハラハラしてきた。/ でも、見出しで「なくさずに済んだ」って言っちゃってるから。
This is from / tweeted in from / somebody / how about this one, Rhod?" / she says / again / picture of / big / says / named on sign / criptic / I don't think / took a photo / wrong name / it's a / rollercoaster of a headline / too criptic to be a non-story / what / could be / really interesting story / wrong / if / anything / I'm totally intri__ed / more / most / more / which / non / Newport / tomato / more about this / a little / noticed / Korky / tracks / I've met you / very nice / an excellent / building between you and / neighbour's tendency to / with / their behavior / told you about / rest / relationship with you. / non-story / as / this / get on with some people / with others. / Yeah. / Chill out.うまくつきあっていける相手と、そうじゃない相手がいるってことだ。
If you / Wales

(Source: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/