Rhod Gibert's Best Bits エピソード・リスト
(Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/rhod)
English | Japanese |
Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Wales. | |
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If you are listening to this, you are listening to Rhod Gilbert's Best Bits, some of the best bits of my Saturday morning radio show, live on BBC Radio Wales. | ロッド・ギルバーツ・ベスト・ビッツ ...それはロッド・ギルバートのベストなビッツ。土曜日朝のトークショーから抜粋してお送りします。 |
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Lloyd Langford, what is the year? Say it now. | ロイドよ、今年は何年だ? |
2015. | 2015 年だよ。 |
Yes. You had to hear it here first. It's 2015. Happy new year! Every year, we wonder whether it's too late to say that. It's not that I don't think ... | そうそう。最初に言っとかないとな。いつも迷うんだ。あけましておめでとうと言うには遅すぎるかな、とか。ネタがないわけじゃない。 |
No, because this is the first show of 2015. | 今日は 2015 年最初の放送だからいいんだよ。 |
Exactly. Right. So, we won't do it next week. Unless we are really short of ideas. | そのとおり。来週は言わない。ネタがなかったら言うけど。 |
It would be over-egging it(OTT: Over The Top) | くどいよね。 |
uh, so, happy new year, perfectly, legitimately. I hope that your 2015, so far, is all right. Little Lloyd Langford is here with me, as you could probably tell. | というわけで、皆様、あけましておめでとうございます。おわかりと思いますが、ロイドもいます。 |
Hello. | こんちは。 |
The more astute amongst you will have, uh, picked up on that fact. We are in a poky little hell hole of a studio in BBC Swansea, the padded cell, that is the 1950's anachronism of a studio, uh, very very odd little place, with a decanter of water. Those of you who have heard the show before we moved down to Swansea, yes, the decanter of water that has been here for the last 50 years, is here, in front of us. Um ... one day, I'm gonna drink from that, Lloyd. | さらに熱心なリスナーはすでにお気付きかと思いますが、今日はスワンジーの古き良きスタジオからお送りしています。我々の前のテーブルには、いつもの、というか 50 年前からの、50 年間中味を取り替えていない水瓶が置かれています。いつかはこの水を飲んでみせる。 |
Yeah? | ほんと? |
one day, yeah. Uh, anyway, features coming up on the show today ... what have we got, Lloyd? | いつかね。それはさておき、今日のお題は何だっけ? |
You've already kicked off a feature on the ... uh ... Twitter. | もうツイッターで流してるよ。 |
Oh, I did, I did, unusually, this morning, uh ... this is how it happened, ladies and gentlemen. This is how it came about. A producer said to me before the show / he said, "Do you want to put / to kick it off?" And I said "No". And he went "All right." And I thought, "Oh, hang on. Yeah. Why not? Let's kick it off with something. Let's do a feature before I ... and I said, "Things to ban for 2015. What would you ban? And look at this. We've got three sheets of paper already come in, although one of them is blank. | そうだった。今日はいつになく段取りがいい。お題は「2015 年は何を禁止する?」。見ろ。すでに3枚も応募がある。そのうち1枚は白紙だが。 |
Yeah. One of them is blank. | 白紙だね。 |
Right. So, we've got one and a bit. | |
And one of them is about a different topic. | |
/ and the other one's got / got two tweets on it. Look, somebody's ... look, somebody's said, "I really want to start my year with a Rhod Gilbert calendar but I can't find one." , says Daniel Owen. And then, such is the way of things on the twittersphere that somebody else has immediately come in with / / "Do please ... If you do find one, please let me know because I'd like one, too." says, uh ... says Bir... | だから1枚とちょっと。そのちょっとのほうには関係ないツイートが:「ロッド・ギルバート・カレンダーで新しい年をスタートさせたいのですが、どこに売ってますか?」だと。ツイッタースフィアの威力は恐ろしい。間髪入れずにこのツイートが:「欲しい!見つかったらボクにも教えて!」 |
You've got an eager market there. | 市場が活況を呈しているね。 |
Yeah. Already ... already, that's two in the bag. | だろ?すでに買い手が二人もいる。/ |
If I could just come up with a ... should we do a calendar when we get back (home) later, Lloyd ... when we get home. Have you got a camera with you? | |
I've got a camera on my phone. | |
/ I've got some ... I've got a few change of outfits. ... I've got a few outfits __ __ __ most of them __ I won't need to change anything / / Let's face it. / (You) just need to light me correctly. | しかたない。今日はこれが終わったらカレンダー用の写真を撮ろう。カメラは持ってるよな? 心配するな。衣装は若干ある。でもほとんど必要ないと思うんだ。照明をうまくあててくれ。 |
I think we need a lot of lighting. | たっぷりあてないとね。 |
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Hey, things you would ban for 2015. That's what we are going with, uh, today, because I saw a thing in the paper, that said ... this: Selfie sticks. | 2015 年は何を禁止する? 実はこのお題は、自撮り棒に関する記事を読んで思い付いたんだ。 |
What's that? | 自撮り棒って何? |
"What's that?"? | 何って ... |
Yeah. | 知らないもん。 |
You know what a selfie stick is. | 知らないことないだろ。 |
I know what a selfie is. | 「自撮り」は知ってるけど。 |
Yeah. Do you know what ... I mean, haven't you seen a selfie stick? Everyone's at it. | 見たことないか? みんな使ってるぞ。 |
Uh, is it a stick you hit people who is taking selfies? | 自撮りしているヤツをひっぱたく棒? |
No. It is a stick that allows the selfie ... uh ... | 違う。その棒を使ってだな、自撮りをする人が ... |
Yeah? For the selfie-taker? | 自撮り人が? |
The selfie-taker. The selfier. Uh ... Is the "selfier" a word? | そう。自撮ラーが ... 「自撮ラー」っていうのかどうか知らないが ... |
No. | いわないでしょ。 |
Right. ... So, a stick ... it's a stick ... on, on the end of it, ... it's a telescopic stick, and, on the end of it, you shove your phone. You hold it out in front of you so you'd get a better selfie. It's ... it's like an arm extention, so you can have your phone | うむ。とにかくその棒は望遠鏡みたいにスルスルと延びる。その先に携帯をくっつけて、ほどよい距離から自撮るわけだ。腕の延長のようなものだ。 |
your arm __ stuff like that, don't you? You can't get a ... you can't get a big group of you in (the shot), you know / yeah / part of the fun, really, of selfies / arguably, I would say / but this is a long stick / so you can now hold your phone away from you / So, when you see it used in London, you do think, "I wonder how many of those will be stolen this year by the opportunist__ | 今年はロンドンで、棒の先からカメラをひったくって逃げる奴らが続出するだろうな。 |
yeah, presumably your phone is at a ... such a distance ... | |
Your phone is about 8 yards away ... at the end of a big long bamboo stick | |
/ and any enterprising young scamp / | |
any enterprising young scamp / opportunist young scamp, could have it away. | |
you know, I always think the selfie is ... you know, it's about being in the moment and capturing ... | |
/ There is that. / a one-off __ / There is that / and, it, sort of, slightly tarnishes it if a bit if you have to bring a big stick | そのために棒を持ち歩くっていうのは、何かこう、趣旨から外れてるというか。 |
bring a stick, a telescopic stick, yeah. / | |
Where do you keep that stick? | どこに入れて持ち歩くんだろう? |
I think a holster? / Yeah, you've got, like, a / holster for it. / A scabbard / Sorry, I've just had a sip of coffee there. / That's all right / I thought, "Why not?" | まあいいかな、と思って。 |
yeah. You basically ... / probably / you have seen them / I have seen them / I think they're big now, are they? | |
Well, I think they started in Japan. These things do, don't they? | どうせ日本人の発明だろう。日本人の考えそうなこった。 |
Yeah, most of them. / | |
I think they do. ... Anyway, so, that's somebody in the Daily Mail, uh, saying, "I think we should ban, uh, ban these selfie stick things / to be honest / somebody has waded in on Twitter, saying / I / ban / selfie sticks / far too many of them about. Um ... | |
You can't ban sticks, though, can you? | |
Well, that's the nature of the feature, Lloyd, which is ... you can ban what you want. | |
I guess, but ... | |
Yeah. | |
... it seems a bit ... __ __ __ to ban a stick. | |
Yeah, but this is ... | |
What are dogs gonna chase? | 棒を禁止されたら困るよ。犬と遊べなくなる。 |
Yeah. But not just any stick, is it? Selfie sticks ... specifically. | 自撮り棒だけだよ。あらゆる種類の棒を禁止するわけじゃない。 |
Yeah. How do you ... | |
/ Nobody said __ __ ban sticks, outright | |
How do you manage to take a photo if your phone is on the end of a stick? | どうやって撮るの? 棒の先にカメラが付いていたら手が届かないからシャッターを押せないじゃないか。 |
I don't think they've thought about that. ... I think the world is full of people going, "Oh, heck. Somebody go round and press the button. | なるほど。そいつあ気がつかなかった。世界中で自撮り棒ユーザーがこう言ってるよ: ちぇっ。誰か、前にまわってシャッターを押してくれよ。 |
How would you do it, though? | |
Excuse me, excuse me, stranger, can you ... would you mind ... see the camera at the end of the stick? __ Would mind pressing the button? / Do you want me to just take it for you, mate? / No, no. I've got my selfie stick. / ... Well, there is a mechanism, isn't there? | あのう、ちょっとすみません、あのう、そこの通行人の方 ... この棒の先にカメラが付いてるでしょ、それのですね、シャッターを押していただけませんか?/ それより、普通に撮ってあげようか? / いえいえ、結構です。私には自撮り棒がありますから。 |
/ __ __ __ a little finger on the end of the stick? / a little finger / stick, probably. / robotic / right / would ban it or not? That's the question. | 禁止するかしないか。それを答えろ。 |
You could use it to stroke dogs / you / | 犬の頭をなでるのに便利かもね。 |
you / got this finger on the end of it. | 犬の頭をなでるのに便利かもね。 |
got this finger on the end of it / definitely / otherwise / touching dogs / stick / a bit weird / 's gonna make you more weari__ / prodding | そうだよ。先端にロボットハンドが付いているからこそ、それができる。ロボットハンドが付いていない棒で犬をなでたら、それは単に突っついているだけだ。 |
/ so, would you ban it or not? That's the question. | |
Would I ban them ? | |
Yeah. Of course. That's what the feature is. | |
No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't ban / I don't think they've got out of hand yet. I mean ... | |
Was that a pun? | |
Uh, no. Not an intention / work / just don't / put __ __ __ hand / stick on / floor / I mean / I haven't seen that many of them about. If you ... / I think you __ __ see a lot of them / well / my prediction for 2015. | いや、近い将来、街は自撮り棒で溢れる。2015 年はそうなるとオレは予言する。 |
If you stroll down a promenade, / yeah, / it __ __ interrupted, / yeah / by __s / yeah / if you / accidental / if you turn into, like, a __ human __ game __ __ p__ed constantly as you walk down the street / out of the way / yes / gonna be like walking / ceremonial things at weddings / you have to walk underneath / that / walking down the street / gonna be like that soon. | |
I think we should ban | |
gonna be like / through a selfie stick forest. | |
Like a jungle. | |
Jungle of selfie sticks | |
bamboo | |
A bamboo. I thought maybe we should ban __ __ before it gets to that stage. | 自撮り棒のジャングルの中を、よけたりふせたりしながら歩くようになる。そうなる前に禁止せねば。 |
Well, pre-emptively? | |
Pre-emptive ban / I think we should keep an eye on them. / keep / in the arm's length / view / put that one down / we've already had ... we've already had a bit of a __ this morning, Lloyd, __n't we? Well, I did | |
you / supermarket | |
/ did / supermarket / this morning / as ... as | |
yes | |
on the way here, we had a good time. Why shouldn't we? / | |
__ own time __ __ __ __ __ the BBC / | |
no. We / start the show / it was about half ten, __ __? / Yeah. / Lloyd and I went to a supermarket to purchase some breakfast for the show. | |
Yeah. | |
You bought ... what did you buy? | |
I bought a banana and a clementine. | |
What? Was it a clementine? Was it? | |
Well, one of them, you know, tangerine-like ... | |
I thought it was satsuma. | |
I don't know. | |
Huh. | |
It's smaller than orange, and citric. | |
... That's what you care about. | そうそう。そこが重要だよな。柑橘系かどうか。 |
What's __ the inside counts. | ナリは小さくても立派な柑橘系だ。 |
you bought / small citric sphere, | おまえは何らかの柑橘系の球形のものを買った |
Yep. / ... and a banana / Yeah. And a, uh ... apple juice. / Very healthy. | |
Fruit, you went. | おまえはフルーツに走ったわけだ。 |
Yup. / sandwich this morning. / I started looking at the ... you know / on the front / fat contents / salt content / it's unbelie ... no won ... no wonder we are having a bit of obecity epidemic. Is there any wonder / obesity / sandwich for breakfast today, and, there were only ... I'd say there were two sandwiches in that supermarket that wouldn't kill you instantly. ... There were only two none-fatal sandwiches on a ... what ... / | これだもの。みんな肥満になるのも無理はないと思ったよ。スーパーには食べても即死しないサンドイッチは2つしかなかった。 |
Didn't you say that one of the sandwiches had enough fat to ... | 脂肪の含有量がすごいって言ってたね。 |
It had enough fat content that'd last me four days. ... I could, honestly, have swum the Channel after eating them. Absolutely. It was 50% of my fat content in my ... in a morning sandwich ! | そいつを食ったら、オレは 英仏海峡を泳いで渡れるよ。 |
You could just go into the wilderness. | |
I could go into the wilderness. I could rub it on my body and just dive in the Channel in Dover and come out in France, just having rubbed / sandwich / on my body ... __ goose fat | 鵞鳥脂を体に塗りたくってよ。ドーバーで飛び込んでフランスまで泳げるよ。 |
That's an image for the calendar. | カレンダーに使えそうな絵だね。 |
what / quite a few of them / just / how much salt / Uh, only 40% of your daily adult intake / 40% / sandwich. What ... threre were only two that weren't fatal. Only two. __ __ I had one of them. Tuna. So, I had had to have tuna in the morning again. Korky always __ __ __ __ in the morning | しかたないからツナサンドを食べたよ。朝からツナを食うのはヘンだとコーキーに言われたのに。 |
only safe thing to eat. | 食べても死なない食い物はそれしかなかったんだ。 |
extreme start / day / Is there any wonder / obesity / bread section / | |
yes | |
/ pastry / something like that / what / first thing I see is what? What was it? | |
Three cheese bread. | チーズ三種入りパン。 |
Three-cheese bread. How much cheese do you want in your bread? Come on. | どんだけチーズが好きなんだ? たいがいにしろ。 |
It is frustrating to cut bread and cheese, I thought ... I find. / Come on / three cheese ... who needs three-cheese bread? Is there any wonder we are all fat when your bread's got three different lots of cheese in it? Why stop with three, anyway? __ __ nine cheese bread | 太っても全然不思議じゃない。 / そんなに好きなら、3つといわず9つくらい入れたらいい。/ |
well, / more cheese than bread, then. Technically / bready-cheese | そうなるとパンよりチーズのほうが多くなるから、それはもう、厳密にはサンドイッチとは呼べない。チーズだ。パンにチーズをはさんでいるのではなく、チーズの両脇にパンをくっつけている、パン付きチーズだ。ブレッディ・チーズと言っていい。 |
/ I think / becomes cheese / if / cling film and keep them in the fridge. | |
very fine line / think / bread becomes cheese | |
it becomes cheese / put / in a toaster __ and it melts. | |
... What is three cheese bread? / Well, you've got ... I reckon __ __ cheddar | |
feature. When does bread become cheese? | サンドイッチがチーズになるためのチーズ量のしきい値は? |
cheddar / | |
how much bread / normally? / well, very little, unless you've chopped it on a breadboard / crumbs on ... / crumbs in it / they don't sell / They brush them off. ... Anyway, __ __ __ __ ... / what else upset me / something else upset me this morning was, uh ... __ __ __ text from __ __ get ... when you buy a car ... I bought a car __ __ a couple of years ago. And I __ get text this morning from the garage, going, uh. ... Hey, the manager of the, uh ... the manager of the garage, uh ... really ... really ... he's looking for cars. ... Bring up the g__ of evaluation." ... Uh. ... What's he coming __ me for? | 車屋が「車をさがしています」だとよ。車のプロが、なんでそんなことをオレに訊くんだ?/ |
you are the manager of a garage. You should know where to get cars, surely. | どこに行けば車が買えるのか、自分がよく知っているはずだろう? |
I ... | |
you should have ... you should have a load of contacts by now. It's like a bank manager ringing me up / have you got 20 quids? / 20 quids / I could borrow | 銀行の頭取が「わりい、20 ポンド貸してくれない?」と言うようなものだ。 |
Maybe they sent you that text so you go back to the garage and then __ __ change your car from ... for __ __ __ | |
I think that is the idea, yeah. I chose __ to willfully misunderstand it. ... Uh ... Venice has banned suitcases on wheels / ban / yes or no, Lloyd / yes or no on the spot | |
much easier to get around in a gondola. | わかるわかる。ヴェニスではキャスター付きのスーツケースに乗るよりゴンドラに乗って移動したほうがいいと思うよ。 |
Yes or no, Lloyd, new feature, briefly. Yes or no on the spot, Venice mayor. Would you ban suitcases on wheels __ Mayyor of Venice / Yes or no? | クイックアンサー! ヴェニス市長ならどう答える? |
No. | |
Right. | |
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What would you ban? | 何を禁止したい? |
Uh ... look at this. Antonio M__ says, uh ... / __ __ __ ban __ __ __ / No. Antonio M__ says, "I would ban __ Seven Crossing tolls / What do you think of that, Lloyd? | 料金所を廃止してもらいたい |
__ __ __ What do you think of that, Lloyd? / Yeah. I mean ... / __ __ you don't drive. How / affected / you've presumably / just / and watched / | |
I do financially contribute the toll. / | |
Do you? | |
/ Yeah, if I'm in a passenger on a car, yeah. / what / pay your half or what? / I often pay __ full __ / driver's driving, and then I ... | |
you don't have to, __ __ __ passenger's seat / have you seen a little grid / says, "lorry, / car / whatever / I don't know, it's about 6 ... 7 ... 6.50, now I've just been told by the producer. 50p, __ I remember __ when I was a kid / 6 / get into Wales. | |
Yeah. Well worth it. | |
There's no picture of you on there / no picture of you, mate. | おまえは車でもトラックでもバイクでもないんだから払わなくていいはずだ。ゲートには、乗用車いくら、トラックいくら、バイクいくら、という表示はあるが、おまえの写真はのってない。 |
lorry, car, motorbike / go straight through / no picture of you, mate. | |
the driver drives and I sort out the money / do you / I'll remember that the next time you are in a car with you. I've never noticed that happening. | |
Well, otherwise / a bit of a | |
no, no, Rhod, put your money. I'll get this / free | 「ロッド、ここはボクに払わせてくれ」 |
you don't have to pay, do you? Celebrity. | 君は払わなくていいでしょ。セレブだから。 |
... I do have to pay. | |
You don't know __ member __ the public / there / special lane for celebrities | |
There is a little picture ... little picture of Tom Cruise on there / which is __ __ __ all celebrities. Yeah, we just drive it through / wave it through. ... No, we don't. No, we don't. Relax, everyone. | そうそう。トム・クルーズ用のレーンとかがある。写真がはってあって。/ 「ごくろうさん」とか言いながら手を振って通過する ... 皆さん、ウソですよー。ちゃんと払って通ります。 |
I thought the Seven Bridge toll was instigated to pay __ for the construction of the bridge. | |
/ Ah, I think there was some, uh, connection. Yeah. | |
Surely | |
surely / by now | |
they've made it up / yeah / It looks built. ... isn't it? | |
great __ __ next time / over there, they __ __ you / saying "we took too much" | 見たところ、出来上がったように見えるが。 |
seems unlikely / it / just to get the money, wouldn't they? Uh ... so, what else have we got to ban here? ... Uh ... the word ... I don't ... I ... M__ C__ and M__ J__, both say the same thing. The word "bae", b__, b__, / What's that, Lloyd? "Hi, Rhod. I / ban the word / what does it even mean? I don't know. Keep up the good work, dude" says ... what's the word "bae"? What is that, Lloyd? __? __? | |
I think it is, uh ... / if __ __ either an arms manufacturer or ... | |
Or British Aerospace? | |
Yeah. It's "BAe" was ... uh ... / I don't think __ __ ban the word "British Aerospace" / shout out / 2015 / I'll tell you what I'm sick of / ban / let's go on something different for it. | |
I think it means / baby / it's, like, a term of endearment for a loved one. | |
Is it? | |
Yeah, you would say ... / | |
__ __ Use it in a sentence ... use in a sentence, __ | |
I'd say, uh ... "Ho, bae, go and put the kettle on." .... Not an actual baby. Like a boyfriend or girlfriend, like, | |
baby / put on a kettle | |
exactly / baby won't be able to understand that. | |
... So, I've never heard it. | |
Yeah | |
ban | |
internet talk. | |
Is it? | |
I think so. | |
Should we ban it? | |
it's just like, you know / "boo" was one of __s | |
what was? | |
"boo". | |
You can't ban the word / Lloyd / surprise people / | |
No. / "boo" means / what are you gonna shout when __ leap out from behind something | |
/ leaves people / not saying anything / to be honest / completely. / you / jump our from behind the bush, you can't shout anything / might not / even see or hear you / walk past / You're just left. | 物陰から飛び出して人をびっくりさせるときに何て言えばいいんだ?/ 何も言わなかったら気付かれもせず、相手は歩き去ってしまうぞ。 |
you could show __ __ __. OK, let's do that. | |
OK. | |
All right. | 「...」 って言えばいいよ。/ そうだな。じゃあ今後はそうしようか |
No. "boo" was | ... って、そうじゃなくて、 |
"boo" was / terms / As in "boo hoo"? You can't stop people crying | "boo hoo" か? 泣くのを禁止するわけにもいかないだろ。 |
No, no / crying, mate / emotional moment / as / girlfriend / my boo | |
I've never heard that. "my boo"? / mean / who says that? / how old / 46 / young person __ __, is it? | |
Yeah, mate, / with __ kids | |
I know, but not that young. Surely only kids / "boo" / under the age of four. | |
Is that what you are talking about? Is it four / my girlfriend | オレの記憶する限り、「ブー」なんて、4歳未満の子供が言うのしかきいたことないぞ。 |
it was, like, an R&B or hiphop thing, like, J__ __. Do you remember J__ __? | |
I'm very poorly up on that __ __ R&B stuff. | |
yeah | |
you know I'm not a big fan of that, Lloyd / | |
Well, I think / bae / sort / know / my / according to the paper today, they don't call each other anything. | そういうことか?3歳の子供が、「ボク、今このブーと付き合ってんだー」なんて言うのか? |
Did you read this? | |
No. | |
just while we are on the subject, ... __ __ little thing in the paper. This is, uh ... this is ... incidentally, this will be my non-story of the week | 新聞によれば、現代のカップルは互いに呼びかけることすらしない。/ ちなみに、これは「今週の一番どうでもいいニュース」だ。 |
saying, ... they're saying, basically, that he's, uh ... there's problem in their relationship | 彼氏が自分の目を見てくれない。ふたりの関係には何か問題があるのでは、ということだが ... |
hold the fort. I'm gonna | 間をもたせておいてくれ。 |
find it in this paper / he / apparently, he never looks / in the eye or something / got about eight pictures of ... can you / together / where, in none of the pictures, he's looking at her. He's not / looking down / feet / or he / away / they've traced the eyeline / like / reds, uh, red dotted line, tracing his eyeline | 視線をトラッキング |
and he's not looking at her. So, / what / found is, A; / he's not looking at her, and then __ __ jumped to the conclusion that / something wrong / problem with it | |
in the eye | |
he's not looking / very distracting in __ areas. | |
She is distracting __ navel areas | 彼女の服装からすると、へその周辺に目がいってもしかたないと思うけど。 |
__ __ __ __ look, blind spot for __, look, staring at __ floor in one picture / have to admit / trace the eyes down there, __ __ __ looking a the floor. This one is looing just in front of her. That one is looking to the side | |
Yeah. | |
So, there's clearly a problem in that relationship, Lloyd / if / find eight pictures of a couple where one of them isn't looking __ __ the other one. ... I don't know about you, but when I'm with with my wife, I was transfixed. In fact, if you can find any picture of me where I'm not looking at her directly in the eye, even when I'm driving, I'll give you a pound. | オレの目はいつも女房に釘付けだぞ。車を運転している時でさえな。なんなら、オレが女房のことを見つめていない写真を一枚でも見つけてみろ。1ポンドやる。 |
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Rhod Gilbert on BBC Radio Wales. | |
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Uh ... Lloyd Langford is here with me in a studio in Swansea. We've been down ... we've been down / down Swansea __ __ Way for the last few days, haven't we, Lloyd, enjoying all it has to offer over the new year. | |
Yeah. I went for a swim. | |
You did go for a New Year's Day swim. I __ __ watch__ you ... not that closely. No. I mean, you knew about it __ __ __ | |
hid under the bush / that / bush with a pair of binoculars __ __ pair of shorts / I __ __ pair of safari shorts | 茂みの陰から動物の水浴びを観察する学者として。 |
/ watching you, ... wearing nothing on my top except for a little satchel. ... That wasn't me at all. __ __ __ that must have been somebody else. ... You did go for __ __ __ it looked ... it looked agony. | |
It was very very cold. | |
But __ sorted out your ... the frostiness of your head __ __ disappeared | |
Yes. | |
'cause, uh ... it's not my ... it's not my bag __ __ / | |
It transferred the frostiness elsewhere. | |
Did it? ... How did you __ __ __ __ that's the worst bit, innit? / it's around the waist area. Let's face it. | |
Yeah. | |
I can't speak for everyone. | |
so cold, the water, that you just go numb / you lose all feeling / easier | |
/ __ __ get rescued __ __ people __ come and see you in a hospital. | |
It wasn't that deep. | そんなに深くなかったよ。 |
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Uh, we've been talking __ what things you're gonna ban. Lots more of that coming in, Lloyd. | |
Yes? | |
Uh ... "glitter". ... This is from Patrick S__ ... rather obtusely. / | |
Why __ glitter? / "Terrible stuff". That's all he says. / __ __ __ / What's the story? / What's the story behind that? / What's the story, Patrick? You've had a bit of a glitter incident this Christmas? | |
get everywhere, glitter | |
sand / sparkly sand / it is / back to this word / you know the one / the word / earlier / ban the word "bae" / Yeah. / the word "bae" / mean / anyway / before anyone else, ... "bae", ... I didn't realize it was one of those, uh, sort of, acronym, things like "LOL", before anyone else ... Amanda in __ __ / come in and said, "Guys, "bae" is a term / how / pronounce it though? / term of endearment for someone who comes before anyone else, hence "bae". ... And somebody else says, uh, / is it? / as I said / another word for your significant other / ban m__ ... somebody __ said, "Ban 'LOL'. Just laugh rather than writing it down. | LOL って書くな。普通に笑え。 |
There's a flaw in that somewhere, isn't there? ... What's the flaw in that, Lloyd? Can you spot it? | ということなんだが、彼の主張には欠陥がある。その欠陥とは? |
'cause no one will know if you've laughed. | 書かないと、笑ったかどうかが、読者にわからないじゃないか。 |
Huh. There is a problem. That is the problem with that | 重大な問題だ。 |
it is to indicate to people reading ... look, I'd ban / use of / three / acronym / in spoken language / in spoken language / LOL / I don't think / spoken language / I don't ... I've never / never told __ joke on stage and the whole audience go, "LOL / people looking / somebody __ really enjoying at the back / I've only / written down. Have you? | 読む人にわかるように |
I don't think / anyone / seriously / said | |
Nobody has replaced their laugh with the acronym "LOL", have they? / I don't know anybody / no longer / go, "__, chu / nobody does that kind of thing, do they? / | |
No. | |
/ No. Uh, so, __, put a line through that. __ big fat line through that one. Uh ... | ふっとい線で塗りつぶして、と。 |
don't worry. We've got something __ here ... "I personally / ban / apple core removers", says Bertie Graham. "They take all the fun away from eating an apple." ... Of course I know what you mean, Bertie. No question. But I would suggest. Don't use one. Go back to the fun way of eating an apple without an apple core remover | リンゴの芯抜き器を禁止すべきだ。あんなものを使うと、リンゴを食べる楽しみが半減する。 / 気持ちはわかる。すごくわかるよ。アドバイスをあげよう。キミは、リンゴの芯抜き器を使わずにリンゴを食べるといい。そして今までどおり、リンゴを食べることを思い切り楽しむといい。 |
I don't think they are for children / it's not Action Man, is it? __ __ __ Christmas. I've never ever ... my niece and nephew / none of them ever gone | 芯抜き器って子供用だよね?/ それはどうかなあ。芯抜き器はアクションマンではないし。 / あの子らが芯抜き器を欲しいと言うのは聞いたことがない。 |
well ... I've read their lists / I've never once seen / dear Santa / "No.8 : apple core remover" / I've never seen any kitchen apliance / nothing / children | 姪とか甥とかのクリスマスに欲しい物のリストを見たことがあるが、「芯抜き器」と書かれていたことは一回もない。子供って、台所用具とかはあまり欲しがらないと思うんだ。 |
I mean, because children / apple cores / as an adult / or even eat / you know | |
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My sister-in-law's replaced laughing with "L ... / Wow ... wow wow. Andy __ says, "My sister-in-law has replaced lauthed with "LOL" in the spoken word. | 義理の妹が笑うかわりに "LOL" と言い出した。 |
Oh, don't be ridiculous, Andy / seriously / sister no longer laughs, she just says "LOL" / I don't even know / that's physically and anotomically possible. Is it? | 物理的にも解剖学的にも無理なはずだ。 |
She sounds like social poison. / Ha, ha ... oh, I'm sorry. I mean, LOL LOL LOL. Does she say more __ ... dose she say more / like / the length of | 実際に笑う長さを想定して、その長さだけ LOL と言い続けるのだろうか |
or does she just go, "LOL". ... __ __, instead of doing that / just | |
laughing is involuntary. So, if you voluntarily / LOL / you know / that funny | 笑うという行為は意識せずにしてしまうことでしょ。意識して "LOL" と言うってことは、あまり面白くなかったということだよ。 |
maybe you say something | |
just not / it's not natural, is it? | |
LOL. / LOL. Right. No. ... / I'm banning you from / say "hiccups" instead of doing it | 今後、笑うことを禁止する。かわりに LOL と言え。 / しゃっくりをするときは「ヒック、ヒック」と言わずに「しゃっくり」と言え。/ ハハ ... / おーっと、笑うなって言ってるだろ。 |
Thank you. | それでよし。 |
See? That's / have to say / as long as you / laugh for / one LOL / presumably that's / like, uh, you know, give it a "2", "3", ... or "cubed" | これによって、おまえがある特定のジョークをどれだけ面白がっているかが、数値で伝わるのだ。実際に笑うより正確だ。/ LOL 一、LOL 二、LOL の三乗、... などと言うことにより、面白さの度合いを表すことにしよう。 |
you know / she / LOL to power six | LOL の六乗 |
LOL to the power of 1. / Yeah / give people idea / how funny you've found it. | |
/ it is better than laughing / a lot clearer system, isn't it? | |
every time I start chuckling / | |
LOL / still chuckle. / yeah / I can't do / And, if you sneeze / you've gotta shout ... instead of sneazing, you've got to say, uh ... | |
__ __ | |
No. You've got to say, uh, nasal manifestation of a cold. | |
That ... | |
NMOC. Nmoc. | 風邪をひいたときに鼻に現れる症状 |
You can't ... / instead of / Nmoc / you can't not sneeze if you need to sneeze | くしゃみをしたいときはくしゃみをするしかないでしょ? |
Yes, you can. / NMOC instead / sneeze / LOL / where does the sneeze go? / LOL. / It doesn't just disappear. You ... you know | くしゃみがどこかに消えるわけじゃないでしょ? |
let's make this | |
gotta | |
feature 3: where does the sneeze go? / | |
LOL. / LOL. / It's not good to suppress a sneeze, I don't think. / Oh? Is it? / __ __ __ __ can't be good / LOL. LOL. / It's quite good / LOL. ... LOL. / it does work / stop / laughing / how / I'm really annoyed by it / only been, like, two minutes. / what the listners would think ... / LOL x 2. / call listners up. I mean, ex-listeners | リスナーに尋ねてみよう。すでにリスナーではないかもしれないが。 |
LOL | |
LOL | |
LOL. / ... Some music. I can't cope. Let's have some music. Uh ... this is ... this is Franz Ferdinand, Take Me Out. Oh, this is how I feel. | |
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I think we should ban jokes about cheese. | |
What? | |
I don't know. | |
Is it because of your three-cheese / joke about cheese. I was just irritated by the fact that, uh / how we / avoid __ ... I mean ... you know, how are we supposed to avoid this / know / avoid / obesity epidemic / surrounded by things like three cheese bread / bread that are rammed with cheese that instantly kills you. ... Instant death. | そんなもん食ったら即死だ。 |
/ Maybe, __ __ ... | |
look at you. Look at you. You've piled on the pounds since I saw you last. | |
/ Well, I wouldn't say "piled" ... | |
last saw you / yesterday, but, since, before ... you have. __, look at you | |
a little bit of weight | |
I can only recognize you from your eyes, the same eyes peering out, but that's about it. | 太ったなあ。目をよく見るまで、おまえだとは気がつかなかったよ。変わってないのは目だけだ。 |
I've put on a few pounds, I think. | |
Even your teeth look smaller. | 歯まで小さく見える。 |
... over the festive period. | クリスマスとかあったから。 |
festive? / you look like Father Christmas. | そうだな。まるでサンタクロースだ。 |
Shut up. | うるさいなあ。 |
You do. / big bushy beard, and ... you / jacket yeasterday | ひげもじゃだし。 |
took it off | おまえがいつも着ているジャケットを脱いだら誰だかわからないよ。 |
didn't even notice. / you __ __ __ not surprising. It's not surprising / I / as well / hanging over my trousers / Look at me. | 腹がズボンの上にかぶさってる |
look at the state of me / it's not surprising, is it, when you've got three-cheese bread / with 50% of your own body weight. Ridiculous | |
do two cheese / one | |
how about | |
Yeah, bread's good. | |
You don't have to have cheese in everything. ... Do you? | |
I'm not saying you do. | 誰も強制はしてないよ。 |
well, pass me the, uh, pass me the, uh, salt / cheese pepper, would you | |
LOL LOL. | |
LOL LOL LOL. ... Hey, in Turkey, talking about banning things, / people from / regional / Turkey / from using lifts in public buildings, not for the first three floors / you are not allowed | トルコで、一階から三階まではエレベーターの使用が禁止されたそうだ。 |
lift now | |
That's fair enough, I think. | |
Do you? | |
Yeah. Use the stairs. It annoys me when you ... you get in the lift | 同感だよ。階段を使えと言いたい。 |
annoys | |
Here we go, ladies and gentlemen | お、何か強い意見があるようだな。 |
stand / go one floor / up to the twelfth floor | |
Well, you know, when you ... / don't pretend your life is glamorous. | |
Well, __ ... | |
Don't pretend you're living in pento so your life is glamarous / important meeting / up / high | 12 階だと? おまえが 12 階に何の用事がある? 見栄を張るな。グラマラスな生活を送っているフリをするな。 ペントハウスに住んでますみたいに言うな。12 階で行われる重大な会議にちょっと顔を出すみたいに言うな。 |
/ hotel | ホテルに泊まってたんだ。 |
they don't have 12th floors / Premier Inns. | プレミアインに 12 階はないはずだが。 |
Other hotels are available. ... Hey, Lloyd, __ for chrismas, do you want a pair of clever socks? | おい、ロイド、クリスマスプレゼントに「かしこい靴下」が欲しくないか? |
Clever socks? | |
Yeah. | |
What __ they do? / Well, exactly. What do you think they do? / Clever Socks Quiz / impromptu clever socks quiz / and __ can regulate __ foot temperature? / No. / do they make you better at algebra? | はくと算数が得意になる? |
No. | |
Do they combat __? | |
Are they water-proof? | 防水? |
No. | はずれ。 |
/ Uh, do they have / walk around / no / I'll level with you / not fall over anyway. But that's a by-the-by. Carry on. | |
Do they combat obesity? | 肥満防止? |
No. | ブー。 |
I'll give up. | 降参。 |
OK. Are you sure? | いいんだな? |
Yeah. | うん。 |
Quitter. | 諦めの早いヤツめ。 |
I was / show / dedicate | ずっとやってたら番組が終わっちゃうよ。 |
go all the way through to the end. ... It was like some kind of world record. I was gonna / end of it to celebrate. ... Now, then. I'll tell you what they are. Clever socks. | |
I think I'm gonna be disappointed. | イヤな予感がするな。 |
back of / daily / circled them. November the 29th / going back / imagine / still around / clever socks: there's no elastic in them. ... That's it. | 「かしこい靴下」には、何と、ゴムが入っていない。 |
/ did you / remember to stay up | |
I made a note here / circled this / one stage further on November 29th __ __ when I saw the clever socks / advertis__ / in the back of the newspaper / I wrote down: "Our socks / the ones that do. ... "That's a thorny, heated, debated issue", I thought. Uh ... what do you think, Lloyd? Do you think socks that don't have elastic are inherently cleverer than socks that do have elastic | さて、ロイド、おまえはどう思う? ゴムのはいっていない靴下は、本質的に、はいっている靴下よりかしこいと思うか? |
quite clever | おれは入っているほうが賢いと思うが。 |
well / people / complain about socks / they never complain / they've got too much elastic | 靴下のゴムが多すぎからって文句を言う人はいないよ。 |
complain / hole in the toe ... or the bottom worn away | つまさきに穴があくとか、かかとが薄くなるとかでしょ、普通は。 |
no one ever / | |
do you know what, though? Do you know what? I'm coming / to this now. I think / sometimes you do have a sock / with elastic / a little bit tight / little bit of a mark | |
Bigger socks, mate. There's a notice on the front / pack of __ socks, corresponding / won't leave marks. / Well, if / leave __ marks, then you need to buy bigger socks / got / mark / anyone goes ... comes up and go, "Ha ha, see you've been wearing socks. | おまえ、さては靴下をはいてたな。バレバレだぞ。 |
... LOL LOL. | |
LOL LOL. ... Is it? It's not like __ able to __ __ __ __ __ and goes / tell-tale / tell-tale elastic marks / on the old shin | |
someone / late / wearing / socks off till pretty late last night. Someone's ... someone's ... | |
yeah, but ... | |
maybe if you wanna wear __ly. You don't want anybody to know you've been wearing socks / then these are where they come in. / if / no trace. | |
Yeah, if you are a naturist. | |
Exactly. If you are a nudist ... / yeah, / but / I think you would have less respect. | 靴下をはいていたら、多分、ヌーディスト界ではバカにされるんだよ。 |
yeah. Well, maybe / if / gloves on / a pair of pants on / need / See. These socks are largely for nudists who want to wear socks on the sly but not want other nudists to know. | つまりこれはヌーディスト仲間に知られないようにこっそりと靴下をはきたいヌーディスト向けの商品なんだ。 |
it's a very niche market. | ニッチな商品だな。 |
Non-commital nudists. You, non-commital deceptive nudist, if you are out there,/ / in the back of the newspaper / 12.99 | 生半可な気持ちでヌーディストをやっている連中だ。えー、そこの君、もし君がなんちゃってヌーディストなら、是非この製品を買いたまえ。 |
For one pair? | 一足で? |
Hang on a minute. ... Uh ... no. ... Huh ... God, that is good. | |
Don't be sucked in by their marketing. | マーケターの術中にハマってはいけないよ。 |
Hold the fort, would you? / Rhod's now considering | ちょっと間をもたせておいてくれ。 / リスナーの皆さん、ロッドは今、真剣に購入を検討しているようです。 |
/ 99 / good value for money / shush | ちょっと黙っててくれ。 |
First name ... | |
Mate, you can't / form / whilst live on the radio. | ラジオの生放送中に通信販売の申込書に記入してはいけないよ。 |
/ This is important. | 黙れ。これは大事なことなんだ。 |
they've got to be cheap / no elastic in them | ゴムが無い分安くて当然だけどね。 |
Address ... BBC Wales. ... How many __ you want? | |
gift / give you / money | |
pay / a pac of six / you could / for that ... ironically. ... Uh ... how many? / Six / Six packs? / LOL / uh ... right. | |
36 non-elastic socks | ゴムの無い靴下を36足ももらっても困るよ。 |
that music / that is to ... uh ... to signal the end of the show / thanks very much / coming on the show, Lloyd / next week / somewhere with someone. ... See you next week. | |
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If you enjoyed that, why not listen to the whole show, Rhod Gilbert live on Saturday mornings, BBC Radio Wales, 11 till 1. |