英語 | 要点和訳 |
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Hello. I'm John Stewart. And this is the Science Hour. Over the next 16 minutes, we'll be __ing and discussing / latest research / including / back / I think the problem is that it's difficult / into a headline / aircraft noise / might be / kind of / sound very good. It's, uh ... and it's kind of / indefinite / People want certainty. / winner / physics, chemistry and phyciology or medicine are announced. In a minute, we'll chat with / BBC science / how important these prizes are / winners / but also for the rest of us? / because / one of the biggest honors in the world / amazing how the phonecalls / notify the winners / off-guard, or at least / awkward time / this is / one of the winners of this year's / was told the news. / Hello. / Hello. Professor __? / Yes. / This is Adam Smith, calling from, uh, the Nobel Prize __ in S__ / where it has been just announced / you've been awarded the Nobel Prize together with Jim __ and __ __. / Are you serious? / I am serious. And the announcement's just been made, just / a few minutes ago / here in S__ / Oh my god. ... Let me just stop for a moment here because, uh, I'm driving in the middle of __ or somewhere. Um ... I was actually thinking that my friend was calling me / I'm a little lost. | |
I love that reaction. / start / our team coverage from __ __ / been watching the announcement for us / surprise / It's funny to hear that kind of moment of shock / Thomas __, who's, uh, based at Stanford University, and he shared the prize with two other researchers, James __ and __ __ / really / unravelling__ some of / what goes on ... basically when / cells in our brain / talk to each other, which / little, sort of, packets of neuro-transmitter chemicals. We know that cells talk to each other using electrical inpulses and using these neuro-transmitters / molecules / but when you start looking into the real nitty-gritty detail of what they / how / do it / sometimes it makes me think a bit like a torpedo / submarine / all the neuro-transmitters are packaged up inside a, uh, inside, uh, kind of, bubble, a kind of soap bubble / which then is triggered to be released, and the c__graphy that's needed so that different things occur __ our brains are absolutely precisely coordinated __ what these guys, uh, ... have unravelled / past 30-40 years or so, and, uh, it's incredibly important that we understand how these things happen though, I have to say / short term / medical uses are, you know, aren't so obvious. | |
sometimes it feels like / awarded / obviously very important / but that perhaps most of us haven't heard of before, but that certainly wasn't the case / Tuesday / for physics / I guess / not a huge surprise / particle that caught the world's attention. | |
Well, certainly, you know, the moment / CERN in Sw__ / when they announced last year that they had discovered this particle called the Higgs Boson, you know, uh, Peter Higgs was there to welcome that moment, and, uh, you know, he was glad and so on, but we knew that, from that moment on that the prize for this was in the offing. / Well, I would like to add my congratulations to everybody involved in this tremendous achievement. For me, it's ... really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime. It's taken ... It's ... / | 私がまだ生きているうちにこれが実現したことは、まことにおめでたいというべきで ... |
Peter Higgs there, talking at CERN at the time of discovery. And let's just remind ourselves exactly what the Higgs Boson is __ __ Sience in Action fact file. / is the last missing ingredient in the recipe for the universe that physicists have been cooking up since the 1960's. The other ingredients are subatomic particles like quarks and electrons which combine to make the atoms, at which / all made, and __ four forces that govern the way they combine and behave. / The Higgs particle, in a way, comes above them all. It governs the masses of the subatomic particles and controls the behavior of the forces. So, without the Higgs, electrons would have no mass and it __ travel at the speed of light, in which case / atom / molecules / couldn't exist / effect / nuclear forces / wrong, the stars would not shine and the elements of the periodic table / made, or, at the other extreme, nu__ __ be so radioactive they'd fall apart before atoms could combine to make the world we see. / The Higgs Boson is actually a g__ of something more fundamental ... an invisible field that p__ates all of space, rather like a magnetic field fills the volume around a bar magnet. | |
The more strongly subatomic particles / interact with / the more mass they pick up. Photons, the particle of light, don't interact at all. And, so, they weigh nothing and travel at the speed limit of the universe, the speed of light. Electrons interact a bit, but not as much as quarks, which consequently have a lot more mass. / But, because / cosmic / we are unable to see it directly, which is where the large h__ c__ at CERN comes in. / high energy, the researchers believe / stir up this Higgs field and | もしヒッグズ粒子がなければ電子は質量ゼロとなり光速で進む。ある粒子の質量とはすなわちその粒子がヒッグズ・フィールドと干渉する強さである。干渉が強いほど質量は大きくなる。光子はヒッグズ粒子にまったく干渉しないので、質量はゼロであり、宇宙の最高速度すなわち光速で進む。 |
experimental proving of theoretical models. / Wednesday's prize for / that was awarded for, uh, very complex models / This one was good because / know / when I was doing science many many years back / someone who was a bit of a hero / Martin / again, this / actually to do with / complexity, in a way. Back in / when computers were really no more powerful than, perhaps, / average, uh, washing machine / nowadays / program computers to work out the details of the structures of molecules / and more importantly, to show that / very mobile / they / fixed structure, they / mobile structures / mobility that makes / so important when they're doing things / our bodies / can use the same technique to work out how different protains interact with each other / nowadays / in fact / almost / other way / instead of working out / existing / it's nowadays possible even to design new proteins / which will be useful as medicine / so / enormously powerful techniques / in fact / some of / since __ __ / people have used their very techniques to study the processes in the Physiology Prize / this whole business of, uh, the chemical communication between nerve cells / they studied using these molecular dynamics techniques / those very processes / too hard to do with normal experiment / this / been / fantastic tool for chemists / OK. Thank you, R__ P__. And congratulations to all the winners including / who share the Prize for Chemistry | |
Jonathan Amos / BBC / is here. John, you've been watching / surprised / given the prize for physics / this year? / yes / if I can put it that way / no, because everybody / he was / pick it up, yes, because ... well, you know, that / Nobel Committee / infuriating habit sometimes of / going / quite obscure. But / they had / was that / quite old boys now. They're in their 80's. Uh, if you think about F__ E__ and Peter Higgs / should have shared the prize with / Robert / he died in 2011. So, there was a danger, I guess, that, if / leave / another two years / then / others / put them in the grave / would die as well, and of course you can't / p__y. so, it was right, and it was proper, that this remarkable / rewarded | いや、別に死んでほしいと思ってるわけじゃないよ。 |
Peter / another example of / surprised / expecting it / going to get it. And, uh ... / he / day, you know. We tried to ring his mobile phone, and, after a while, you know, / says, "I'm sorry, you can't leave a message because / inbox / full / get hold of / delayed the ceremony in S__ / I think __ __ by an hour or so / get hold of him / they wanted / bring / to give him the opportunity / talk to the world / find him / only a few days later / Friday / week / emerged / Edinburgh University to talk to the world / he said / told by somebody / walking by the street. | 受信箱がいっぱいでメッセージを保存できません。 / ヒッグズは通行人からきいたそうだよ。 |
given for very complicated or even obscure ideas / how / change our lives? / you know / there are / more ... more money / I don't necessarily think that's / motivation / the Nobels have a brand. Uh, / notice of them. Everything else has tried to ape the Nobels / even if / offer more money / bigger gong or bigger medal / have to come back to / great tradition of the Nobels. So, I think, probably, you know, whatever anybody else / going / stick as being / "the" award / want to get if you are a scientist. / Do you think / individuals / that / those people's lives? / Well, I think / Peter Higgs / was / avoid the disruption. Michael / also talked about a little bit / he was ... / we asked him "how does it feel / said / you know / actually / I'm not so sure / this nice life / I'm a professor / Stanford University / wonderful wife, wonderful children, great students ... and now I've got this Nobel, I'm gonna / expected to give talks, you know, / important questions / my view on things / change my life / and I'm not sure I particularly want that. But ... uh, hey, / comes to the territory. | |
always grab headlines / although / varying degree of depth by different publications / but sometimes science reports / can leave / lot to be desired / next / eternal battle between / what the headlines say / For example, you may / cures / A__'s disease / in reality / more relevant for C__ Y__ disease, and it's years / available. And if / terrified this week / i__ heart attack / a study published / medical journal / observed that / higher / in areas significantly affected by airplane noise at London's Heathrow airport. But the / headline / what / do / newspapers / living / can damage / why living / could be bad for your health? So, Adam __ went to ask / statistician / professor / open / really conclude from the study. | |
conclude anything / really / if you live / areas where there's more noise and if / those areas / the people living in those areas / whole / more likely / heart disease / what we can't conclude directly / if the aircraft noises / really bad for you / look further at it / in the paper / new __ findings / faults come in / how / translate / being dramatic / I think the problem is that it's difficult to get / into a headline / aircraft / might be bad / or it might not / doesn't sound / kind of / indefinite. People want certainty / we don't have the certainty / when / into the paper / some of the reports / some / one of the classic errors / confuse corelation with causation / so / relationship in the paper between aircraft noise / c__ disease / mean / one another / Well, / it doesn't mean / possibility / causing the other / two things are corelated, but it isn't the case / does cause / these diseases / might not be / in the past / checklist that people can use to see if they can identify whether or not / story is / little bit / turned / rather useful acronym / spell out / basically, if you / take the letters / well-know radio presenter's name / each / links to a question / you could ask about / something about / health / take / judgement / about / whether it's relevant to you, whether it's telling you you should / name / go / all 12 letters, but let's / pick out some of the letters / appropriate for assessing this story. So, J is for / people / the point being that, think / suppose you really want / anything you liked / really wanted to know / terrible aircraft noise / what you do is, you take / bunch of people / pick / play horrible / make them / end / runway / Heathrow / rest / nice / country / then / most heart disease / that's what you do / that way / only difference / noise / but that would be an experiment. You can't to that with people because it's clearly not ethical / that's the "J" / that's the "J" / pick / another one / "M" / stands for "Might be / something else / relationship / level of / in the area / is / disease / or is / something else / thinking about / necessarily / scientific expertise / perfectly good reason / looking / might not even / thought / anybody could do / some other reason / highly / pick, um, one final one, "Y" / single study / one sample size / this is the point / very often / press / our study / whatever / hardly any circumstance, particularly with observational studies / experiments / establishes what's going on / never happens / hardly ever happens. There has to be / picture / showing how / work / fit together. / So, in conclusion / mantra of statistics / it's a bit more complicated than that. / Yes. That's why / people / boring / not | |
professor / science journalist / balance this need / grab / headline but / well-balanced article / what I was gonna say to you, actually / was / I feel very much like / yes / mostly about / physical science / I / mostly / not / about / study / I'm very like the general public / and I'm thinking / quite interesting / yes / comes down to / confusing messages that you get / it's not / red wine / no, it's not / look at / a little bit about / about c__ disease / some / central messages remain the same / in this particular topic area / and that is, / don't smoke / take more exercise / eat more fruit and veg / these other factors, these other marginal factors that / caught up / in different newspaper headlines / on / radio / television / remain the same / I take my hat off / people / all / con__ing variables, as we call them / pull apart which / more important than others, but, actually, take a step back / some / strong / real / have been around / for many many years / they remain the same. / All right, John, thank you / limitations / particularly interesting one / usually think of obecity / is bad for our health / one-way ticket to diabete / high / high blood pressure / all / heart disease / and strokes / And it is, usually. But there are some obese people / protected against those health risks / bottom / "fat but fit" mystery / Dr. / 16 pairs of identical twins, identical except / other / slim. There / difference / rare group, but / perfect model for studying this phenomenon / apart from / difference / weight / identical / raised / similar environment / about / obese yet healthy. / graph / two groups. In / one / liver fat was exactly the same level / lean / the other group / obese / average / fat / visually striking when you look__ / at / was / point / we really / two different groups / obese / so, um, from this clue / look at other aspects of / usually liver fat / type / high blood pressure / so, we / start / two groups / whether or not / clasical / namely, blood pressure and c__ level / they are divided exactly / liver fat content / so / twins that do not put fat / obese / or equally healthy / other measurements. / Now / about the / we say / unknown / basically why some people put on fat in __ liver / what is actually happening / in the fat tissue / obese twin. You would expect that / obese person has / that is true / look / healthy obese / twin had more fat cells that / that / look at / not healthy / they actually had / less / lean counterpart / seems / but obviously / looks like as / that's what we saw / like / what you / to make more fat cells / and / for those fat cells / smaller / seems / larger / less healthy / question / it comes to my mind / a bit over-weight / "obese" bracket / if / obese but healthy / don't / is that OK? / It's OK as far as we look at / m__ measurements / question / we don't know if that's / something / could be that the longer you carry on extra weight, you may, in fact / turn / be / metabolic profile / obviously none of this / fact / also associated with all sorts of mechanical problems / for example / knees __ing up / associated with several / cancer / whether or not m__cally healthy / individuals are protected from those as well. / There is an argument which says / to / become obese, and / research / interesting / may not be the best way to tackle / the best solution would be for everyone / excercise / knowing how difficult that is, perhaps we need to think about / better / future drug targets / could / individuals / Dr. / talking to Graham __ ... Still to come on the Science Hour: What can be done / deadly / around the world / still to come / Science Hour today / sending / smell / smartphone / bad mood / a bitter message / basically / release / smell / from / reading the message / joined / Jonathan / some of / misses / in the world of research / hearing over the couple of weeks / how / impacted / US government shutdown / potentially huge / areas / center / not tracking / infec__ diseases like flu / president Obama's / entire / stand-still / huge amount of waste / both effort and money / many lab / actively used / We've also seen reports / on / user / commented: "I'm a full-time federal employee / officially / data / fish numbers / statistical analysis needs to be / mid / influence the final decision / if / have to work / old data, which could affect / user / totally / He says, / supply / yearly supply of fuel and food / beyond that / days away / to mid-October. But / past that, our work will stop / all / support / skelton crew / keep things going / funding again." / Antarctic research / enters its warmest month / researchers / former director / British Antarctic survey / says / it will impact / moment / US / foundation / essentially going to / go / at the outset of the season / such time as / government / current issues. / handful of / gather / usually work there / yes / by far the largest program / they do put / research / all over Antarctica / through the course of / summer / will the fact that / not / going / near future / at / impact / this / in many dimensions / they collect valuable data / all sorts of / space / many of those / long / incredibly valuable in trying to determine changes, so / both / and indeed those that are / long-term changes / associated / ecosystem change / potential loss of data / really / global science community / very nice things / is / share / science data all the time, and, remember / enormous continent / bigger than North America. So, actually / have / understand / just / but / those issues strech all the way to affecting us all / like / sea level rise / closely / work with / American teams / In general / however / slightly fortunate / relative / program / with a rather small number of people working / small number of / directly / americans / stress / collect / valuable / just / feet in the snow / later / season / they could pick up / a loss / far too early to say. It's very early in the season. I mean, / resolution / at the moment / mean / late start / season / manage / sure / to / re-program / much of / carried out. But of course / minor impacts / happen / so, some areas / science / have you witnessed any others? / talk / this past week. You know, / if / employee / mobile phone / not / use / official email accounts / communicating / twitter / all that is allowed / it's very very hard / some / NASA / big space agency / united / big / know / any / press department / closed / mission / flew past / week / very / above the planet to pick up / get / you knew nothing about it / had / this week / PR / awful lot / big / place / this is an example of / that happens / sort of shutdown / interesting one / you would think / NASA / yes / paid / surely they / you know what? / continuing to work on Mars / reason / contracted / university / from you in Los A__ / managed / day-to-day basis / university / the rover / as well / There was / space story / attention / outside of our solar system. Can you tell us more? / this / quite / this / relates / about / away / looking / dead / see / chemical / oxygen / and / far too much / the source of / could be / rocks / but / even then / far too much oxygen / calculations / an astroid / water-rich astroid / our / big / biggest / is / big / which are / NASA / mission / visit / next / something / by / probably falling into / dead / large telescope on / Hawaii / look / say, yes / astroid / water-rich / and / star. / John, thank you. Next, / pointing / with other creatures / don't recognize the gesture. But scientists / elephants / professor / told __ __ about / experimental / These elephants / kept for / back riding / elephants / have rescued from / cases where / simply / wrong place / shot / trained by very humane methods / doing that, they specifically / respond to vocal cues / so / gesturing / at all / the idea is / walk / what to do with words / never been trained to follow gestures at all / words / follow / really / illustrative / see / really / elephants / understand / pointing means / fact / that / get better / during / pointing / we found / first / just as good / first trial / any other trial / have / already / testing / first test, of course, / equidistant between the two places / she was pointing at / one arm / pointing / right / little treat beforehand / but in this video / see / test case, where she deliberately / confusing / wrong bucket / pointing / possibly the / body position / not really understanding the pointing / as you can see / this clip / moment / pointing gesture / gets / it's incredible / following / clearly looking / can / take from this? / start / this sort of ability / to understand / meaning / by their indication / has evolved / humans / related / nearest relatives / funny bunch of / none of which / any kind of advanced cognition / compared to / have a very good ability to understand / perhaps that's a clue / our / in this way originated. / points / excuse / elephants / this ability / seem / in a way / prepare / human pointing / it is a hint / perhaps / in the wild / If so, / we / yet / suggestion / professor Richard / Jonathan A__ / only / quite a few animals / good / shown / pointing / occasion to drop food / every so often / point / tell / where to go / just the pointing / they can work it out / cats / a little bit / wolves / interesing / may have something to do with domestication / side / human / thirty thousand years / think / genetic / they may / way / wolves / out there in the wild / they don't have / sure / look / more / see / skill / quite likely / themselves / they use their trunk to point at stuff / dogs / interesting / to us as well / pointers, right? / dolphins studied in this way / probably / wonder / intelligence as well / you know / particular / maybe they / of course / great discovery / area / not very good at this / compared / even puppies / domesticated / did it better | |
jonathan / now, on the Science Hour / can / ash / deadly / killing / more than 20 years / UK / this / spreading / ash / crucial / character / countryside / called / ash / could help stop / likely to be vital / trees aren't / simple / group of scientists who / make / genetic map / something / never been done before / down to the woods / trumpling through / woodland at the moment / hunting / five / very specific sampling / now / have to say / insulting / this isn't / most / incredibly / isn't it? / It is. / some years ago / interesing / sexuality of / from one generation to another / mean / trees having sexuality / ash / quite complicated in its sex life / male / female trees / call / same / find both male and female flowers / have both / sexual / but / given / extreme / s range all the way through / be / more / be more female / And, in terms of / how / relate to / top / UK / here / one / trees / have / inn terms of / sequencing / genom / very high / genetic diversity / complicated / so / got / has occurred / got a chance of actually / reducing / level of diversity / bit / simpler to sequence / so / David showed me / one parent / not two / should / genetic / basis, or letters, / much easier / university / Dr. Richard / little / paradice / not in his lab, / attending / in science and technology / many European / national / these meetings is to share / come up with / European ash trees / about an hour / north / meeting / ordinary kind of orchard / full of ash trees / selected / natural population / these / better than normal / natural environment / 19 years ago / selected / however / resource / genetic of / all these trees / some of which / showing / how does your project fit / big picture of / eurpoe / Eurpean / very unusual resource / that / generated / from Oxford / and / which / female flowers / self-polinated / and the offspring / DNA / it / now / doing / of that genom sequence. So / provide / everyone / both in Europe and throughout the world. / because / make / particularly good assembly / have / problem / otherwise / maternal and paternal / the whole thing much simpler / down / a lot easier / start / bio-informatics / showing resistence / looking / genes / expressed / use your reference genom / exactly / context / and / our reference genom / we can know, uh, which genes / or / and / what / similar to / other s__ / get some idea / what / might / do / any idea at all / basis / something / simple / not / simple solution / complex situation / all / on functional / has / finding the actual / so difficult to do that / major achievement / happen | |
almost / variation / resistence / population / almost / have accumulative / bad news / identify / good news / possibility / higher r__ / nature / actually enhanced / together / different genes / giving / something / anything we have at the moment / understand | |
transmit / anywhere on the planet / but / vision / science / name / movie / never caught on / imagine / could be a powerful way to communicate / whichever / mind / send / loved / new / phone / called / been released / mixed reality / how / small device / what / when / example / twitter / smell / so, for example / romantic / bad mood / bitter message / smell / from / message / talking / time / vapor came out / phone / got / generates / smell / in the future / radio / not / smell / the gadget / smartphone / reminds me of those things / bottom / signal / car radio / music / like / circular arrangement / where / at the touch of the button / very / mist / see / presumably / do the right thing / done / studio / sweet aroma / seems / didn't / positive impression / smell / through scent / think / Bill / obviously / press the button / demonstrate / suggesting / message / Facebook / all / internet / audio / touch, taste and smell / example / looking / picture / smell / almost impossible / wine / text / smell the wine / applications / entertainment / one of the rational / magic / actually / reaction / what do you think? / cool / emotional / puffs / vapor / with / due respect / impractical / absolutely fascinating / imagine / phone / some sort of / implant / system / but what I can see / prototype / does / could / having / people / can / one of those projects / demonstrates / tweet / text message / think / first step / mean / London / product / very first step / what / true / beyond / research / university / how can / digitize / generate / electronically / aiming for / then / any / chemicals / before the mp3 / before / physically transport / practical / able to release / smell / at the touch of the button / need / buy / one / cheap / phone / know / away / amazing / me / amount / go / moment / actually / commercialized / company / selling / as / buy / gift / perfume / expensive / romantic / buy one / Bill / all / things / bill / edition of / I'm John / more / this week / click / composer / amazing film / gravity / adam / reporting / trees / emerald / at the same time next week. | |
(Source: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/science/science_20131012-0400a.mp3