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BBC World Service. I'm Mike Williams with the Why Factor. | マイク・ウィリアムズです。 |
Today, something that sets us apart from the other mammals that live on the surface of the Earth. | |
Not only are we good runners, we are the greatest. We are the best long-distance runners of any species on the planet. | 人間は走ることに長けている。実は、人間は地球上の動物の中で最も優れた長距離走者である。 |
In the last five years, Chris McDougall has inspired thousands of people to run with his book, Born to Run. | |
While other species have other natural advantages in the wild, you know, they can swim, they can fly, they have claws, they have strength ... All other land-based mammals vent heat primarily by respiration. They pant, they breathe, / air / __ __ cooling system. | 人間以外の動物は主に呼吸によって放熱する。 |
Humans are unique in the fact that we / heat primarily by perspiration. | 人間は主に発汗によって放熱する。 |
So, that's a reason why we can run races / Sahara, we can race / across Death Valley with temperatures reaching / F__. / And we can outrun any other / on a hot day / over distance? / Exactly. Over distance. __ not fast __ Usain Bolt is the fastest human on the planet. And Usain Bolt __n't catch a squirrel if his life depended on it. But / up against an antelope / on a hot day / two hours. And that antelope / will die of heat exhaustion while Usain Bolt will be smiling __ __ heat. | 暑い日に競争すれば、人間はどの動物にも負けない。/ 長距離で?/ そのとおり。長距離で。 |
They hunt in silence. The hand signs indicate that one of them / The naturalist David A__. / These are the S__ people of the K__ d__, the last tribe on Earth to use what some believe is the most ancient hunting technique of all; the persistence hunt. They run down their prey. | 人間のもつ最も原初的な狩猟テクニック / しつこく追って、獲物を追い詰めるのである。 |
And, half the world away in Mexico, Chris McDougall saw what he believes is the remnant of this tradition __ tribe called T__ / it's a tribe that is known as the running people, and the reason why is because they routinely __ races, __ you know, we consider marathon the ultimate challenge __ __ __ five marathons in a day. / | |
Why do we run? | 人はなぜ走るのでしょう? |
I think, instinctively, we recognize running as the number 1 natural weapon we __ __ most of our existence. Running is __ we do when we are scared / it's what we do to survive. | |
And I think / still deeply woven into our DNA. Genetics doesn't happen by accident. I mean, / reason why fish has scales and fins and gills because they / adapted to water / | 我々は、走ることが最も強力な武器であることを、本能的に知っている。人間の DNA に織り込まれている。進化には理由がある。たとえば、魚にエラやヒレやウロコがあるのは、水に適応するためだ。 |
human body, it is a machine designed for long-distance running. We have several attributes which only exist in animals which run. For instance there is a ligament in the back of your neck called __ ligament / present in animals that run. It's not present, for instance, / pigs. It's not present, for example, chimpanzees. | 人間の体は長距離を走るように設計された機械だ。 |
chimpanzees are / closest / we do / what __ __ does / its only purpose is / stabilize / head / secondary, we have / in the back of our legs. Chimpanzees don't. The __ tendon / serve / p__ / It is fantastic for elastic recoil if you are running efficiently across a hard surface. So, basically, / there you have / machine designed for long-distance running. | 遺伝子的に、チンパンジーは我々に最も近いが、それにもかかわらず、チンパンジーには __ がない。__ は何のためにあるかといえば ... |
When I started running in the 70's as a teenager, __ __ __ on the streets / it was a very club-based activity, and it was very unusual thing to see people doing, and it was d__. | |
Geoff Wightman is a former international marathon runner and now leads the biggest running oranization in the UK, runbritain. Here, and around the world / run / here / have seen an astounding rise in the number of runners __ to | |
rise / parks / in the UK alone / running on a regular basis has risen by more / since 2005. | 2005 年以来増え続けている。 |
Just about everybody can run ... all types and and sizes / all age profiles / day and night out on the streets / so, there is no longer any kind of stigma or __ing or embarrassment factor associated with being seen out running. Nothing attracts people like people. / more people / seen out running, the more newcomers are prepared to give it a try / | 走るのは誰だってできる。外で走るのが恥ずかしいとか、見られたくないとか、そういったことはもうない。何よりも人が人を呼び寄せる。外で走る人が増えれば、自分も走ってみたいと思う人がますます増える。 |
Why running? | |
It's simple. It's cheep. / accessible / you don't need a team, you / in company. You can do it in company, you can do it on your own / off-road, on-road, you can do it on a treadmill / best exercise activity you could possibly think of. | 簡単にできるし、安上がりだし、一人でもできる。 |
During the recent recession, running numbers continue to rise / people / perhaps chosen expensive activities. | ほかの時期なら、もっとお金のかかる運動をしていたろうが ... |
And, when you run, are you | |
some / best ideas / on the run / sort of / a lot of oxigen / surroundings and let your mind drift / all sorts of work-related, creative ideas come pop into your head. / I know you are in charge of __ in the UK, but what's the global picture? / there's a massive / scene in Germany / South Africa / mega / C__ Marathon / Two Oceans Marathon / East Africa which provides some of the world's best / distance / just starting to get / head round / running / fitness / fun / with / great Ethiopian runners / years / if you look at park-run, which is / format in parks all over the country / there's 200 in Britain, but / already / pop up / places like USA, Australia, South Africa, Holland, and ... there's even one in __, __ military headquarters / It's a worldwide phenomenon. | 創造的なアイデアが浮かんでくる。... これは世界的なトレンドなんだ。 |
Many of the greatest / today come from / part of the world that / homo__ ancestors; the East African __ Valley. It __ from the Gulf of Aden / down through Kenya and beyond. | |
Look at the medal / from / in the men's 10,000 meters, 13 of the 15 medalists can trace their origins to the region ... to Somalia, Ethiopia or Kenya. | |
and it's / one of the many / that the next generation of runners are in training. / Daniel W__ of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation went down to talk to the athletes and their coach. | |
My name is __ __, / I'm the coach of __ __ __ Development, Nairobi, Kenya. Most of the top runners in Kenya come from K__ tribe, and people around __ Valley / quite hilly. So, what happens is, when they are growing up, they are very active. They have to run to school / walk uphills / 'cause / find that ... when they are young they take care of the animals, chasing cows, goats ... so, they normally move from one area to another, and this area's very long distance. It's like hundreds of kilometers. / That creates, like, a base for future training to world-class level. / And because of hardship, most of us do / walk / unlike developed countries / locomotives / like vehicles, / bycicles and motorbikes / run to school / in the morning / lunchtime, noon, and evening / I think also they are / contribute. They're thin, because __ __ smaller than the other / The needs. / __ __ __ run a long distance / __ __ very interesting. / That thing __ genetic / talent, actually, yeah yeah yeah. That's / specifically / community. / He said "genetic". / Um ... I don't think it's genetic __ some extent. / It's all about the talent and the coaching. It's coaching plus hard work. | |
The issue of genetics, and which tribe can produce / greatest runners / is politically charged in Kenya. There's a recent history of violence between tribes there. So, for anyone to say that K__'s runners are the best" is con__ and insensitive in the present political climate. One member of the team, N__ __, responds with the example of British olympic champion / a man born in Somalia. / __ __ __ champion, who is not even a K__ / but / dominating that __ race / because / religion and the environment / himself / when he was born / so, without any genetics / environment / be / his / there is one thing that he forgot; The commercial incentive. / Yes. There was a huge commercial incentive. Just about 25 years ago, the International A__ Athletic Federation changed its name, and the name "A__" was dropped, became the __ __ Athletic Federations, and, __ athletes / earn money from running. And athletes went to the world championships / come back / Mer__dez / status symbol in Kenya, and / people / decided that / listen / this is neighbour. I used to / primary school and running / she's decided / this is where she is / over the years / people began to understand that / money around it / that changed everything. So, / incentive of employment / help / people get into athletics. | |
The sport has become big business, selling runners shoes and clothes, watches, water-bottles, magazines and more. But the latest trend __s back to our origins, to those persistence hunters, to the earliest days of / long-distance run. | ランニングはビッグ・ビジネスへと変容した。しかし最近 ... |
I've come to a park in central London / place / quite like a gentle walk around, but my producer told me that, uh, I have to turn up here and meet some ... some runners but some runners with a difference / I can see them here now, three of them. ... Hi. Mike. / you've got no shoes on. | |
It's England / middle of winter, when I walked up this morning / there was ice on the car, the trains were running late 'cause the points were frozen / here you are, in the park, with no shoes on / __ therapist. / David Robinson, barefoot runner, __ teacher of it, I suppose. / I'm Tracey Davenport / sell / why would you run / aren't you just negating centuries of scientific advance? / lot of / come / injured / I've tried different types of shoes / knees up / strap / feet up / shoes can change the way / your whole body moves. By taking the shoes off / it allows your feet to connect with the ground, use the the force / up from the ground / to move / designed to move / suggest / Mike / for the sake of this program / try / cold / it's not that cold. / B__y, I feel like / my feet is so cold / there you go / foot first. Just feel the ground. / Huh huh. / It feels nice, doesn't it? / ... Yeah. / believe it or not / most people / born to run. It's in / in our souls / part of / human / we are today / barefoot / it really connects me to my ancestors to my ... my soul. | なぜ裸足で走るのです? 靴という文明の利器を使わずに?/ いろんな靴を試してみたけど ... / 裸足になってはじめて、そもそもの設計意図に沿った動きが実現できる。 / 信じられないかもしれませんが、ほとんどの人は、走るように生まれついているのです。 |
They are almost evangelical / activity that generates almost religious f__, and like many religions, it has many different sects. Here's __ __. She runs / business in the UK selling running shoes / it's called "Run and Become". | |
strange name / a wonderful name / inspiration / who was a meditation teacher and also a running advocate, and, he __ a poem / become / run to succeed in the outer world / become to proceed in the inner world / the name comes from. | |
at least in part, spiritual, isn't it? / Spirituality is a key part of running for me and for / might seem a little unusual, but, when you are running, you are challenging yourself more than anything else. You are / beyond / telling you you are capable of doing. But, as I'm doing that, sort of my pure self is coming forward, and that leads to / self-discovery. | |
It's wonderful. / I mean, running is just the best sport because it clears your head like nothing else / so many added benefits / fitness level / Many runners talk of great joy / even ext__y that it brings them / so-called runner's high. After long ex__ion / body produces / chemicals related to / __ the pain and generate a feeling of well-being. They / ancestors / endure the percistence hunt. These days, of course, t__ __ __ pleasant side effect / evolution and exercise. | |
Back in the park in London / with / barefoot runners / I've been joined by a c__, Hugh says he's addicted to running / month because of his injury. There's no scientific consensus / he says he's willing to try anything to feel that high again. / very seriously / doing all kinds / marathons, and, about four months ago / pain on inside of my right knee, and it got worse and worse, and I found / after / ten minutes, the pain would go. But then it would come back, and / really badly / eventually / I could haldly walk / coul be a problem / ligament around here, so / when you land. So, / step / pushing up / knee / stablize the knee / need to do is make / legs / muscle stronger / try / a few hundred yards / up and down / different / trainers / believe / barefoot runners / actually they / scaffolding. They support the arch to stop that over__ from happening / weaker. So, making the feet work better, bring / stabilize / knee / hips / better running style. Hopefully that will eliviate __ pain. / all / let's / socks off and give it a go / do is, I'll run next to you / OK. / and / right / imagine / cycling a push-bike / ankle over ankle. ... That's it / one. two, three, one, two, three ... / feels quite odd. __ __ for me / with my knee injury, you tell me how / whatever / if you need to do is / more flexibility in the ankles and in the hips, that will then take some / strain off your knee / saying / shoe / making it worse / hiding / way / actual problem. / Have you __ __ / not yet. ... We've ... we've chased / we / | |
there's not much / not much need to be hunted either. These barefoot runners look back to a very different time / no longer / exist. But why not / room / everyone to run. People / so many different reasons / across fields and hills. Some race the clock / other people / some run to stay fit or lose weight, or, often to spend time alone with their own thoughts. Running seems to move their minds as much as it does / their bodies. | ランニングには、体を動かすだけでなく、精神を動かすはたらきもあるようだ。 |
I run because it makes me feel like I / fully __ up human / homo s__. And, when I'm not running I don't feel / something missing / kind of / essential part / being a member of spieces, is running. And, / just feel yourself / fully human. / ... Back to the office. | ワタクシはこのへんで失礼いたします。 |
(Source: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/whyfactor/whyfactor_20140103-2050a.mp3