和文 | 英訳 |
麦子さんと | With Mugiko |
お母さんはアイドルだった!?豪華スターの共演で贈る、この冬いちばん心温まる珠玉のドラマ。 | "Was my mother a pop star!?" - A gem of a drama that is bound to warm your heart the most this winter, presented by an impressive cast. |
声優を目指すオタク女子・麦子(堀北真希)は、無責任な兄の憲男(松田龍平)と二人暮らし。 | Mugiko (Maki Horikita), an anime-addicted girl who aspires to become a voice actress, lives with her irresponsible elder brother, Norio (Ryuhei Matsuda). |
そんな兄妹のもとに、幼い頃に二人を捨てて出て行った母親・彩子(余貴美子)が突然舞い戻ってきた。 | One day, their mother Ayako (Kimiko Yo), who abandoned them when they were little, returns to them out of the blue. |
どこか疲れた様子の母の登場に戸惑いながらも、言われるがまま、3人は一緒に暮らし始める。 | Mugiko and Norio, still feeling uncertain about how to deal with the sudden reappearance of their long-gone mother who looks somewhat washed up, start to live with her because she wants them to. |
麦子は当初、彩子の行動すべてが気に入らなかったが、徐々にその存在を意識し始めていく。 | Everything Ayako does merely gets on Mugiko's nerves at first, but the daughter begins to feel, little by little, the significance of her mother's presence. |
しかし、彩子は実は病魔に冒されており、ほどなくして他界。納骨のために母の故郷を訪れた麦子は、それまで知らなかった母の一面を知ることになる――。 | As it turns out, however, Ayako is fatally ill and passes away before long. Mugiko visits Ayako's hometown for interment, where a fascinating facet of the mother's life that the daughter has never known up until then unveils itself. |
(和文出典: 天神サイト: 「麦子さんと」)