和文 | 英訳 |
はじめに | Foreword |
習志野にロシア捕虜がいたという話は聞くけれども、その実態を示す資料は関係する方面を調べても皆目見い出せなかった。又、当時捕虜と接触した人々も殆んど生存せず、当時5才から10才であった人3人しか探し出せなかった。幸い千葉県立中央図書館所蔵の当時の新聞に数十回にわたって報道された記事を収集することができた。この冊子はその数少ない証言や記事を整理保存し、ロシア捕虜収容所とそれをめぐる町民の姿を記録に残すことを目標とした。そのため、できるだけ多くの資料を引用する記述にした。 | People say Russian POWs used to live in Narashino, but there is no official record to support the hypothesis. I seeked, in all directions, for some official document that could shed light on what the situation really was like. I could find none. I also looked for living witnesses who had had any contact whatsoever with any of the Russian POWs. I only managed to find three such persons, who had been 5 to 10 years old back then. Fortunately, when I was browsing through old newspapers in the Chiba Prefectural Library, I discovered dozens of valuable articles which reported about Russian POWs. I have collected and organized these rare articles and accounts into this booklet. My intention was to document, as a historical record, what the Russian POW camp was like and how the local Japanese citizens interacted with it. To that end, I drew as many excerpts from these articles as possible and only inserted my remarks when necessary. |
また、ロシア捕虜収容所のことを調べていくうちに、1905年(明治38年)のこの収容所の設置が軍郷習志野の変遷の契機となり、その後の性格付けに影響を与えてきたように思える。従って、その経緯を明らかにすることにも留意した。 | As I proceeded in my research on this matter, I began to think that the establishment of the POW camp might have served as a turning point for Narashino in its transformation into a major military town, affecting the consequent development of the character of the city. In this booklet, I have also tried to clarify what makes me think so. |
昭和54年10月 | October, 1979 |
習志野市史編さん準備委員 | Member of the Narashino City History Compilation Preparatory Committee |
宇野 武彦 | Takehiko Uno |
(著者は執筆当時、習志野高等学校教諭) | (The author was a teacher of Narashino High School at the time of writing this Foreword) |
(和文出典: http://www.city.narashino.lg.jp/konnamachi/bunkahistory/rekishi/nichiro/hajimeni.html はじめに)