英 | 日 |
Creating an Isoscelles Triangle-Shaped Crease | 二等辺三角形を折り出す |
Fold and unfold to crease in the middle. | 真ん中に縦の折り目を付ける。 |
Crease from the lower left corner so that the two creases intersect. The intersection point can be anywhere along the vertical crease. | 左下角から、縦の折り目と交わるように、折り目を付ける。縦の折り目上のどこにするかは自由。 |
Unfold. | 戻す。 |
Crease from the lower right corner through the intersection point previously made. | 右下角から、縦の折り目と斜めの折り目の交点にかけて、折り目を付ける。 |
Unfold. | 戻す。 |
Isosceles Triangle | 二等辺三角形 |
(Both English and Japanese parts have been authored by Osamu Takeuchi.)