Every day, customers across the globe rely on us to solve their most difficult filtration, separation and purification challenges.
At Pall, we protect / and our natural resources. Together, we are deploying solutions across __ broad spectrum of life sciences/ markets / risk of contamination and reduce hospital-__ infections. We support cleaner and alternative energy sources, minimize emissions and waste / and protect __ food supply. Pall customers and employees are enabling a greener, safer and more sustainable future.
It takes a lot of water to manufacture the products we use every day; almost 600,000 gallons per person per year. Although / earth / covered by water, less than 1% / fresh water we can use / almost 40,000 / water are needed to make a car, 25 g__s to generate a single kilowatt hour of energy / and 20 more for every bottle of beer and soda. We are helping manufacturers to use less water in their production processes and ensure __ meets / specific quality standards. Recycled / processed water can be discharged safely back __ the environment / for irrigation or other uses. Pall is also helping large and small municipalities to provide high-quality drinking water to the communities they serve. / Some are using our technologies to treat waste water for industrial use / drinking water. Our customers are working hard to preserve / any way they can. We are working just as hard to help them succeed.
P__ and v__ manufacturers and their global regulators / profound responsibility / product quality / They go to extraordinary length to ensure the medicines we take are safe. / extends to / between batches. Up to 70% of biotech / production / can be spent / and validating the effectiveness of the cleaning process. This process, vital to assuring product safety / production / water- and chemical-intensive. / working closely with / v__ producers to find a better way. Our innovative single-use p__ equipment / one key answer / eliminate many costly process steps and reduce the risk of contamination. They can cut / use up to 85% / and enable drug manufacturers / significantly reduce their carbon footprints. We are helping / get / therapies to patients faster / and, at the same time reducing / development and production.
Modern societies have a f__ appetite for energy. Pall is working / help them / output to meet demand while minimizing / environmental impact / fossil fuels like oil. We are / consuming / barrels of oil a day. This number is growing fast, with demand expected to reach nearly / day / by 2035. / plenty / how long / oil / natural gas and coal __ last / one thing is certain: / supplies are not infinite. The need for / renewable / is essential / many promising / are in various stages of development and a__. / We are working with / emerging renewable / like wind, solar, / bio / to help them overcome / of capacity, efficiency and convenience / removing these barriers will help clear the way for broader a__ / energy supply.
The global medical community spends billions / battling / infections / nearly / infections / this year / United States / staggering 99 / of them / die. Many of / infections are preventable / working closely / doctors / patients and care-givers / a__ outcomes / filters provide / effective / contamination / Pall’s / point-of-use / f__ and bacteria / The simple act of taking a shower may expose people / water systems / last line of defense / from / dangerous p__ / enabling / reduce / lower healthcare costs and save lives.
Enabling a greener future for our planet means minimizing / today. Pall / helping customers to meet or exceed / strict / requirements. They are enabling / reduce their environment__ footprint / without compromising productivity. Less / exposure to contaminants / reduced. Our high-quality, long-lasting filters / good for the planet and customer__ bottom lines / Longer service life / fewer filter changes / lower cost of ownership / that kind of efficiency / spend less time / and more time manufacturing / high quality products. Whether you prefer / beer / your favorite drink. Wine makers / worldwide rely on / separation technology / to ensure / color / every bottle, __ or can they deliver. / work with customers to provide product consistency, maximize / and minimize __ operating costs In addition to / also helping / reduce their energy and water consumption / and / importantly / they’re generating less waste. Chances are / Pall technology.
Pall works hand in hand with customers to solve their most critical and difficult fluid management challenges / they succeed, we succeed. / our guiding / never / changed / always do / right for the customer / together / greener and safer / for communities and industries across the world.